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Wanna get healthy? Please help!!


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I am a final year student studying BSc Nutrition, Health & lifestyles.


I was wondering if any of you would be prepared to help me with my dissertation by being one of my subjects!


This will involve you adhering to a 8-week exercise programme consisting of 3-5 days of moderate, 30 minute exercise per day and a healthy diet (not strict diet; but conforming to 5 a day & eating oily fish, etc). This exercise programme is only standardised in terms of you are doing 30 mins, 3-5 days a week of moderate aerobic activity. It can be whatever mode of activity you chose though; e.g. swimming, cycling, jogging, running, rowing, cross training.


You would need to come in for testing of the following: finger prick blood samples for total cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides (fat). Also for you to fill in a Food Frequency Questionnaire and have your body composition checked via the the BIA method (Bio electrical Impedence analysis). These methods are all fairly non-avaisive, simple and would not cause any discomfort.


The testing would take place on Tuesday Feb 6th st Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus and we are aiming to have this done within 3 hours. there would be 12 subjects in total. the exercise prog would start that week (w/c Monday 5th Feb)


Volunteers are required, urgently!


Its a great opportunity / incentive for anyone wanting to improve health & fitness over the coming 8 weeks. The programme would come to an end on Tuesday 27th march which is when re-testing would be done of the fore mentioned. Most of the contact (i.e. chasing for adherence and giving support) would be done over the telephone, By the end of the 8 weeks, you would get to see how the exercise and diet has impacted on your health in terms of cholesterol, fats in the blood, body fat and blood sugar.


Subjects can be of any age, gender, etc. All I ask is that you're not currently of a high fitness level and that doing the fore-mentioned (3-5 times per week) would be more than you are doing now!


Please help if you can. If you are interested, please email: Fay.L.Moore@student.shu.ac.uk. You can call me on 07773 807106


many thanks


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