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Free Or V. Cheap Activities For 14 Yr Old?


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HELP!! I have an unruly teenager who just wants to hang around the streets with a large gang of trouble making teens. I am a lone parent fighting a losing battle to keep him indoors. We have no support from his Dad, financial or otherwise. I really don't want him to turn into a delinquent but there have already been issues with the Police because of the crowd he is hanging out with. He currently does Karate one night per week at a cost of £5.50. As I'm only on a low income and have a mortgage to pay I can't afford to pay out for something else to keep him amused and off the streets. Does anyone have any ideas or know of any free sports/activities for his age group? Everything seems so expensive.

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Thanks for taking the trouble to reply.


Scouts is a definite no no because he would get too much ridiculing from his peers. I did broach the subject of Cadets a while ago but when he looked into it he wasn't keen because of the drill etc. He enjoys drama so I emailed a theatre group in Rotherham but they never got back to me. I had thought of volunteering but I assumed that he'd have to be 16. I will look further into this; or perhaps someone knows of a suitable organisation or charity?


For the record I'm not the kind of lone parent who doesn't care where my child is on an evening or doesn't try to teach him right from wrong. He has been brought up properly and he is fully aware of what's right and what's wrong; unfortunately he has got into a bad crowd and the more I try to dissuade him from associating with them the more he wants to. With no family in this area or input from his father I am losing control and he is largely calling the shots. The only way I can see is to find him something more interesting to do than hanging around the streets. I'd be grateful for any further ideas. Thanks again

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hes a 14 year old ... he wouldnt be seen dead at any of those!


ive got a 14 yr old whos into football, he plays for a school team and a league team .... thats saturday and sunday, plus 2 week evenings taken up with practice, does you lad like any sports that the school does? .... hes also just taken up snooker and goes to the club with his friend on a thursday and saturday night (we just drop him off and pick him up)


you've obviously got a computer with internet access, isnt he interested in going on msn to chat with his mates?? ... i cant get my lad off his computer!


sometimes teenagers will fighht against any suggestion you make, but good luck

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just another thought going with the volunteering idea .... where abouts do you live? is there an animal shelter close by .... you usually find that teenage boys forget that their trying to be 'hard and cool' when in the company of fluffy things ... what about helping there with the animals ... feeding, mucking out, walking ect

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Thanks Pink Lady and CGKsheff. He does like football but isn't good enough to play in the school team. We live midway between Sheffield and Rotherham . Thanks for the Youth Theatre number, I'll give them a bell but I think l have looked before and it's the same night as his Karate. He has MSN but at the moment is banned due to his bad behaviour. Mind you there's seldom anyone for him to talk to because they are all out roaming the streets in this neighbourhood! Snooker sounds interesting. Is it expensive and do you know if there are any clubs suitable for his age group; which one does your son go to? Can't thank you enough for the ideas - Keep em coming please!

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AFK are starting a FREE kickboxing class in the southey green area of sheffield based at the Adrenalin Centre.

It will be on thursdays 530-630pm.

Ages 8 till 16 are all welcome. It is a 6 week course and is totally FREE.


I think it will start in the 2nd week of February.

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