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Free Or V. Cheap Activities For 14 Yr Old?


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My son uses the snooker club at kimberworth, there isnt an age restriction on lots of snooker clubs but they must be well behaved or they will be kicked out.

Its tough at this age, there is very little for them to do, and its far too easy for them to 'fall in' with the wrong crowd ... half the battle is for them to 'pal up' with decent friends.

Im not telling you how to parent here because youve obviously done a great job upto now but .... try not to dictate to him who he can and cant hang around with ... treat him like an adult/equal ... comment to him what a waste of time the 'yobs' are and tell him your really pleased he hasnt turned out like that etc ... you get more flies with honey than with vinegar!


again .... good luck

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Can't thank you enough for this Pinklady. Whereabouts at Kimberworth is the snooker club; Kimberworth's quite near to me and can you tell me how much it costs, what the hours of opening are and if he'll need his own cue? Sorry I know I'm asking a lot.


I know what you mean about trying to dictate to him who he can and can't see. It doesn't work does it? I keep trying to tell him that real mates don't want you to get into trouble or find it amusing when you do but I'm not getting through. He is rather immature and so easily influenced. I think if I can find him some more activities he'll maybe find a new set of friends (nicer ones I hope) and be influenced by them rather than the ones he's currently mixing with. My main problem is not having a great deal of disposable income being a lone parent. I'm really grateful for your advice and ideas; I sometimes feel so alone in this.


As regards the kickboxing chefkicker, if you could find out more for me I'd be grateful. I've checked on the Internet but can't find any details. Thanks again to you both.

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The snooker club he uses is right next to ferham (sp) park on Ferham road (kimberworth) ... its £5 membership for the year, then you only have to pay for the lights ... which is 3p per min ... it costs my son £1.50 (£3 in total but he puts half towards with his mate) for snooker,you can use cues from the club, then some money for pop/crisps.


Theres Ice Skating on Saturday nights at ice sheffield thats a big hit with the kids, thats £4 including skate hire ... again he would need money for pop


Once a month Liquid have a 14 to 16yr old night (pop and crisps night) ... tickets are £6 and they are very well supervised .. the staff dont allow drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking or even chewing gum!


If i think of anything else I'll let you know

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Again Thanks for this. I'll have a word with him and see if he's up for any of this. £5 for the year seems really reasonable for the snooker. Not keen on the Liquid idea though; I hate town on a night myself and have felt quite threatened. Also have seen kids in Tesco getting older youths with ID to buy alcohol for them prior to going into Liquid. The other stuff though sounds great and maybe when he's a bit older I'll consider letting him go to pop and crisps night. I know, I know; I sound overprotective!

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maybe when he's a bit older I'll consider letting him go to pop and crisps night. I know, I know; I sound overprotective!


not at all, your the expert at how mature your lad is and what he can and cant be trusted with. .... It will soon pass, my son spent the 1st half of his 14th year grounded! . you name it .... he did it :loopy: hes almost 15 now and .... touch wood and prey to the gods .... i think hes past the worst .... i just have to put up with snippets of attutude, but even thats getting better .... slowly :rolleyes:

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Thank goodness; there is light at the end of the tunnel then!! Nice to know I'm not the only one. Not that I'd wish what I've been putting up with on anyone. They don't tell you this when theyr'e babies do they? And it seems to happen just when we reach an age where we're running out of steam. Thanks again.

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