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Anybody up for some travel/an active holiday March?

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I've managed to free up the whole of March from two jobs for the purpose of some kind of get away. But as of yet I have no solid plans, and not a great big budget. I was hoping to go to Malaysian Borneo but I'm no where rich enough or brave enough to do it alone.


I'm not fussed where I go as long as I go somewhere and don't waste a whole month of my life.


I've been looking into toured walks and climbs.

I don't like the idea of crappy lazy holidays, or doing the whole touring of "must visit" cities and see all those museums/relics/etc that everybody else has enjoyed. Don't get me wrong, I like to see other cultures and history, etc but not every day. I'm want to see some of the worlds natural beauties.

On the other hand I've also been looking into surfing holidays, I'm very much so a beginner but I am definitely hooked!

I'm interested in almost anything energetic, I want to improve my own fitness and try new things.


Any body interested in joining me? Or anybody got any descent suggestions what I can do with this time off. It's getting pretty close now.


If I'm wanting a travel partner I'd be looking for someone similar to myself so I'll say a little, firstly my name, I'm Steve...I'm 22, straight. I work in a local night club and a call centre, I'm educated to A-level (dropped out of uni). I also do some acting stuff as an extra thing. I do have a wide scope of friends; age and walks of life wise. Although, I'm probably quite immature in my personality and need energetic fun company.


Hope to see some good responses. I've not found any post of this sort on here as of yet so maybe this could be a good place for people to find each other.




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Hmm, know what you mean Steve, but every time that i've gone away for a months 'activity' holiday i've returned a stone overweight and skint.

If you want to get fit, Yorkshire is the place to do it, there is bugger all to do on these long winter nights!

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I am wanting to go travelling and am looking to go with someone like minded who can afford it. Would be looking to go to Malaysia then Australia and would like to see not only the recommended sights but also off the beaten track explore what other gifts a country might have and sample the different cultures. If interested let me know.

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