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This weather - Does it get you down?

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Originally posted by Pauly

Raining lightly????? You obviously missed the bouncing rain storm that was 6am this morning....

- In a different City.


Was still warm while it was raining, but a nice sort of warm :)

Besides, thunder and lightning's sexy :P

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  • 5 years later...
I love it's when it's hot & sunny, just hate the humidity we get in the UK


What humidity? - Try 35'C (overnight lows) and Relative Humidity of >90% - A typical southern summer day :hihi:


Stop moaning........The lot of you.

The Winters are to long for this sort of complaining.

Autuamn ( never can spell that) is jjust round the corner so make the most of it.


I'm not kidding, it's so hot and clammy, my teeth and eyes are sweating as I type! Christ on a bike! I have never felt heat like it, except for when it has been hotter, of course.


There's no pleasing some people! - Only a few months ago you were all complaining about the 'arctic blasts' (temperatures around freezing.) I'd far rather sweat than shiver, thanks.


Today was a cool day. - About 29. The last few days have been in the mid-30's and it makes your skin leak ... no big deal.

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