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Calling Rock Bands in Sheffield


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Hello out there to all the bands in sheffield who hopefully look on this site.


I am working on a Rock night......there is a good chance that live bands will be needed therefore i am searching around in a vein effort to find some decent bands......


If ya interested please let me know the name of ya band...where u will be playing if possible in the near future and pm me a contact number......


If you know any other sites forums or anything like that where i can find out about other decent bands please let me know



Thanls alot guys.

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Checkout http://www.soundaloud.com and see the bands on there.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/southyorkshire/music/rawtalent/bands/index.shtml has a list of over 100 unsigned Sheffield bands.

Get yourself down to The Grapes, the Classic rock Bar or The Cricketers. They have unsigned bands on most weeks of the night

Sheffield uni has The Fuzz Club which is always a good night.

The Casbah has some nights on which feature bands.

The Boardwalk is the best venue in sheffield I think and has loads of local bands on.

Fez club does a signed act with a couple of local bands but I think they have packed in for the summer.

There a quite a few acoustic nights around sheffield and open mic nights.

A couple of my favorite bands are Rumpus, The Present, Ebbtone, Fallout, Dangerlust, Chuck, The motherfookers, Ritalin, I could carry on for hours.

The bbc site has links to the bands own website and most of them have MP3s to download.

I put gigs on 3 nights a week. PM or email me and I might be able to help you out.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I'm in a rock band called Unleash, we gig at the Boardwalk, Classic Rock etc. We've recently supported bands such as Girlschool, Anti-Product and Diamond Head. and breaking into the Midlands bikers' circuit. Go to http://www.unleash.freeservers.com and drop me a line for a cd etc.

Our next Sheffield gig is at the Classic Rock on Sept 11th if you want to see the live experience.


Matt, Unleash.


Originally posted by black_soul

Hello out there to all the bands in sheffield who hopefully look on this site.


I am working on a Rock night......there is a good chance that live bands will be needed therefore i am searching around in a vein effort to find some decent bands......


If ya interested please let me know the name of ya band...where u will be playing if possible in the near future and pm me a contact number......


If you know any other sites forums or anything like that where i can find out about other decent bands please let me know



Thanls alot guys.

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I'm in a band called 'soundscape', we used to be called 'this' (dam awful name).


We've been playing gigs since november and have written some new stuff this summer.


We'll play if you want us to- let me know.

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