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Pregnancy and dreams!

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I have a lot of bizarre dreams anyway, but since being pregnant, though only 13 wks I have had more- some quite kinky (about people I know- lol)- some about babies, some just odd :loopy: I dreamed I was swimming naked with a girl I work with. It was supposed to be erotic but we were in an oversized pont full of weeds & sludge-lol!!

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  • 2 years later...

Rather than starting a new thread i've brought this back up.


I've been having a few more dreams than usual and last nights was awful! Bear in mind i'm only 5+4, i had a dream the baby died at 5 weeks and i woke up in tears. I've not had many cramps this past day or so and my boobs didn't seem sore at all so i thought it was true! :( I ran to the toilet at 4.45am to do a test and it came back positive, at least it put my mind at ease and i managed to get back to sleep for another hour!

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Rather than starting a new thread i've brought this back up.


I've been having a few more dreams than usual and last nights was awful! Bear in mind i'm only 5+4, i had a dream the baby died at 5 weeks and i woke up in tears. I've not had many cramps this past day or so and my boobs didn't seem sore at all so i thought it was true! :( I ran to the toilet at 4.45am to do a test and it came back positive, at least it put my mind at ease and i managed to get back to sleep for another hour!


aww hun u really are worring alot u need to relax abit more try not to think about it i know its easier said then done but ul feel lot better thinking of u chick

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i had a dream i was bleeding,i wanted to call an ambulance but hubby was sat with another woman on his knee telling me to stop being so dramatic!so i took my self off in the car,when i got there,there was a ward full off women who were all groaning....they took me to a side room and gave me an internal,then the nurse said "everything is ok,and your pregnant with twin boys"!!!!!!! i went outside back to the car and hubby was sat in there along with two other blokes and they were all arguing who was the dad!!!!

too much cheese at nightime and way too much jeramy kyle me thinks!!lol!!

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Rather than starting a new thread i've brought this back up.


I've been having a few more dreams than usual and last nights was awful! Bear in mind i'm only 5+4, i had a dream the baby died at 5 weeks and i woke up in tears. I've not had many cramps this past day or so and my boobs didn't seem sore at all so i thought it was true! :( I ran to the toilet at 4.45am to do a test and it came back positive, at least it put my mind at ease and i managed to get back to sleep for another hour!


I suffered with terrible nightmares when I was pregnant(must be something to do with hormones) sometimes I was too scared to go back to sleep. and I think because the pregnancy is what you`re thinking about all the time, it does get dragged into your dreams.

Try not to worry too much, I know thats really hard, but also make sure you catch up on your sleep if it keeps you awake:thumbsup:

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I agree that you will dream about pregnancy and the baby because it is something which is important in your life at the moment. It doesn't mean anything. When you get a midwife, have a chat to her about your worries etc. I hadn't had a previous miscarriage but I was very worried about this pregnancy and I found chatting with the midwife helped.


If you did miscarry the chances are a pregnancy test would still show you were pregnant for a while as your hormones do not return to normal immediately, so it isn't useful to keep doing tests. I know it's very hard not to worry but the way I tried to look at it was that even though miscarriages are common, there's more chance of not having one then there is of having one (if you get me!). Try not to worry and definitely have a chat to your midwife.

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