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Meadowhall is a disaster!!

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I don't frequent Meadowhall that much but I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I hate it when people saying things should be closed down just because it doesn't fit in with what they want. Saying you don't like it for whatever reason is fine. It's your opinion, but to start saying things should be shutdown is making the city worse. If you don't like it, don't go. As it's been mentioned, it regenerated a run down part of the city and provides jobs and services to many. That can't be bad for Sheffield.


As for the guy who say's it's full of asylum seekers. Why don't you check the area out yourself. The people there might be genuine residents. Go meet and talk to them then you'll know if they are asylum seekers or not. By the way, the term 'asylum seeker' should not be a termed in a derogatory way. You don't know what these people do or how they have got here so judgement should be reserved until you get your facts right.


Sheffield city centre may not be a good as many neighbouring city centres but it's not bad either. Division Street is a good trendy area and the Peace/Winter gardens is a good start. Hopefully the re-generation of the John Lewis area etc. will be a big difference, but I might be collecting my pension by the time that's finished ?


Hey Armin ! Are you a biker by any chance ? If so, what gear you got ? I'm looking for good but cheap tight fitting 1 piece leathers.

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Originally posted by Abdul

Didn't Max Value used to be a pound shop, when it first opened ages ago? I think it did, then started to include items priced higher than a quid.


Yeh it did used to be a poundshop but now the management have decided that it made a lot more profit as a pound shop. I dont think, however, that they have taken into account that Poundland has opened in the centre and may effect the trade they were expecting to see............oh well, I think they would be better staying as they are but when we do change and make less profits I will be sayind 'I told you so'.


Originally posted by Abdul

PS - when are you getting in some more of those Cararama model cars. You haven't had them for months! Err...a friend would like to know, you see... :blush:


LOL.... I dunno for sure but i would expect to see them on one of the many deliverys we will be having in the refit week.


So do you shop at Max Value?? What do ya think of the staff?? Are we helpful?

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Originally posted by 367squadron

So do you shop at Max Value?? What do ya think of the staff?? Are we helpful?


I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me :blush:










But seriously, the staff are as polite, cheerful and helpful as any other store in Sheffield, and there's a couple of cute chicks working there ;)


Just tell your bosses to get some more of the Cararama model cars in soon :thumbsup:

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Meadowhall was the creation of an unaccountable Urban Development Corporation who weren't concerned about the rest of the City. It's development was masively subsidised by the tax payer (hardly a level playing field for the city centre) And what a great idea to encourage shopping by car and from so far afield in the days of Global warming. The kids in Darnall have the highest incidence of Asthma in Sheffield and one of the highest in the UK. The proximity of the motorway is an obvious reason and Meadowhall is doing more than it's fair share to help in this.

As to the place itself, it's dry warm and clean but you have to have the mentality of a worker bee or ant to feel at home there...it's just like one big nest or hive. Horrible.

And what horrible acoustics....it's like being in the swimming baths.etc etc etc etc etc

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Meadowhall is well served by train, bus and tram and the interchange is used well, so its not just encouraging people to travel there by car.


I work there so am sick of seeing the place, but its a decent centre with decent stores and a good place to be when the heavens open.


Sheffield needs Meadowhall, not just for the amount of jobs it provides, but also to act as an incentive for the city centre to live up to, which it is beginning to do so.

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Anyone who's seen the original Dawn of the Dead will be aware of the symbolic role that the indoor shopping mall has come to enjoy in the modern psyche. Meadowhall is pretty much the epitome of what such a mall will inevitably be and the presence of such an establishment is damn near unaviodable in the modern developed world...but that's not to say that criticisms cannot be made of the place.


I can remember when the place first opened, before the novelty value wore off. People I knew were praising the place and wagging a finger at the businesses in the city centre which complained about the competition. They claimed that the city centre had become dirty and run-down (which it had) and that Meadowhall would clean the floor with its competition.


I visited the place over the past decade many times. Hell, I even held down three jobs there at different times in my life (all of which were soul-destroying and poorly paid). But here and now I have to say that I hate having to visit Meadowhall with a passion.


Now that's my opinion, and I feel that way because the plastic charm and choking saccarine falseness of the place gets under my skin. The city centre may be scruffy in places, their may be people selling the Big Issue, but to me that's called reality.


And I find reality much preferable to false and forced environments like Meadowhall.

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Surley it is best to let shopper decide for themselves (ie, vote with their wallets) whether or not it is a good place to shop.


I totally disagree that meadowhall is to blame for any problems in the city centre. It is up to people who run the city centre to compete with meadowhall not complain about it.


I prefer Meadowhall because:


1) It is cleaner

2) it is non-smoking

3) There are no beggers

4) There are no pidgions

5) There is no graffiti

6) There is no litter on the floors

7) There is a better range and choice of shops

8) You don't get wet when it rains

9) When and if i get a car it is free to park and not a rip off like city centre parking.

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I agree with Carmine, Meadowhall is so fabricated and false. These types of shopping centres are all the same, built upon tried and tested formulas intended to draw in the maximum number of customers. Consequently, they lack character, individuality and soul.


Yes, it may have provided jobs for many, but I can't help but wonder how the city centre may have benefitted from the investment that created Meadowhall. Surely the area around Meadowhall could have been further used for industrial purposes, incouraging new and upcomming businesses into the city?


The city centre has history and character in abundance, something Meadowhall has never had and never will. For me these attributes are far more important than mass free parking, sheltered shopping and sterile toilets.

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Ah, a kindered spirit on the hoary old chesnut that is Meadowhell!


My opinions are my own and I respect the right of others to subject themselves and their families to the horror of the place, but is it just me or has the city centre begun to grow in a way that Meadowhell never can?


Lat time I checked the city centre was crawling with coffeeshops, interesting pubs and bars, fantastic restaurants (and not predominantly chain restaurants either), alternative clothing stores, comic-shops and other delicate non-mainstream establishments that could never survive in the happy-smiley-keep-the-vapid-burberry-clad-chavs-spending environment that Meadowhell epitomises.


There is an alternative...resistance is fertile.

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Originally posted by Carmine

Ah, a kindered spirit on the hoary old chesnut that is Meadowhell!


My opinions are my own and I respect the right of others to subject themselves and their families to the horror of the place, but is it just me or has the city centre begun to grow in a way that Meadowhell never can?


Lat time I checked the city centre was crawling with coffeeshops, interesting pubs and bars, fantastic restaurants (and not predominantly chain restaurants either), alternative clothing stores, comic-shops and other delicate non-mainstream establishments that could never survive in the happy-smiley-keep-the-vapid-burberry-clad-chavs-spending environment that Meadowhell epitomises.


There is an alternative...resistance is fertile.


But would any of this have happened without the impotus of competition provided by Meadowhall. I think it's great if the city centre gets its act together but why deny consumer choice by shutting down Meadowhall.


By the way what is this strange Sheffield nostalga for steel works, coal mines etc personified by films such as The Fully Monty and Brassed Off. Personally I much prefer the clean modern service industries.

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