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Meadowhall is a disaster!!

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Originally posted by Rich

The thing about Meadowhall as well, is that aside from big Department stores, ie the likes of Debenhams and Marks's, most of the shops are all on one level, which makes them considerably more wheelchair friendly than a lot of the shops in Town... Granted that doesn't make much difference to me personally, but for such as PT (Plain Talker), and other disabled shoppers, it's a godsend.


I mean they even offer courtesy wheelchairs, free of charge, Town doesn't, at least I don't think they do :loopy:


Agreed, the MH centre is wheelchair friendly to an extent. some shops are too tightly packed with stock and racks and stuff to get a chair in, but, meh, that happens everywhere, dun't it?


What I don't like about Mad as hell is that it can be very "crowded" and "frantic" and it can throw me into a panic when it is very busy, (and I would prefer town if it weren't open to the elements, which gives MH the edge in that respect)


I find mad-as-hell best first thing on a Monday or Tuesday morning, before the rush-and-crush, when it is really quiet.


also, to let everyone know, I work for an organisation in the city centre which loans out, for a couple of quid a day, (sorry, we'd like it to be free, like MH, and we *are* working on that!) wheelchairs and scooters, for use in the city centre, to anyone with a mobility problem, temporary or longer-term.


so, yes, even if you have mobility problems, you can access the shopping, sightsee, and socialise in Sheffield centre, with no problems


we are open at Eldon St, very near the new Tesco on West Street,


Shopmobility Sheffield is on (0114) 281 2278


We are open Monday to Saturday, from 0915 to 1530 (3.30pm)


call in and see us, full training will be given. All you have to do is just bring 2 valid forms of ID and we will sign you up!


we also provide a loan service at a lot of Sheffield park events such as Mayfest, Hillsboro Gala, and RNLI in Endcliffe park.



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Originally posted by Skatiechik

Out of interest did your parents neglect you as a child? The reason being you seem to love attention, regardless what form it is in and go out of your way to attract it.


Does it never upset you that people really dislike you and your going to end up a very lonely person?


Does it upset me that a bunch of goody 2 shoes forum users take a disliking to my honest style of posting? No, I can't say it does. You're constantly reminding everyone about how "red bricks" are for the more able (e.g. yesterday you kindly pointed out to a user that she'd never have got a 2.1 at a "proper" uni - http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?postid=129466#post129466 - and I won't even go into the lack of conjunctions used in your split clause sentences...), and how you yourself attended one. Yet despite this, you're still unable to adhere to basic grammatical principles. Nevermind whether or not your degree covered it, GCSE English Language should have. You sounded like you needed bringing down a peg or two to me.

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this is not a grammar or spelling bee, nor is it a competition of who can post the Snottiest replies. (although if it were, you might be in with more than a fighting chance of taking home the cup)


So please, pull your head out from up your rear orifice, close your mouth, and give your backside a chance.............




I am sure that i am not the only one who is fed up of hearing, in every last post, "ooh, snigger, you must be an idiot, because you have spelt (insert word) wrongly"


Ooh, look, (sniggers) I just noticed! (giggles inanely) I spelt my letter "I" in lower case, in the sentence above! I must have an IQ in negative figures!


If you do not have anything more constructive to say than to pick grammatical and spelling spots off every post, just give it a rest, until you have something valid or relevant/constructive to say.


You are becoming tedious.



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