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Normanton Springs


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Serenety my parents live in Normanton springs and have done for a number of years so please keep up the good work. I will mention this to them so they can ask around. The old tip on Linley lane was used for many years,and to my knowledge was to be left alone for wildlife to frequent ! The only thing I`ve seen on there are few common birds,a fox,and several rats. The only other things I can think of in the area are the old sewerage works, or in the last few years if not more the build up of traffic that runs along Normanton spring road to the Mosborough by passes causing more pollution.

PLEASE other posters lets keep this on track with OP`s original post I for one would like to know if there is something we should Know?!

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A few years ago I saw a programme on TV about old landfill sites and this one was included As a result I made it my business to find out what was allowed to be tipped in there as I had friends who lived on the Wadsworth Estate at Intake, which, I believe, was built on that site.


When I finally saw a copy of the original tipping license I was horrified. It included human & animal waste, PCBs (used in transformers & known to be seriously carcinogenic) and low level radioactive waste (such as the gloves from the 'glove boxes' used in the nuclear industry). :evil::shocked::gag:


There is also a site in Conisborough (an old quarry) bang opposite a residential area that was licensed for exactly the same things.

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I spoke in depth to an ex Prof from Sheffield University, who was involved in some case in south England, he gave me sound step by step advice on who I should contact, which I have been doing, Trent Reginal Health Authoriy said I needed my concerns in writing, which I posted weeks ago ! I called them three weeks ago and was passed from dept to dept .. they say maybe my letter is under review... Im not holding my breath though.

Frustrated as I am , I havent given up and wont give up . I would like to know what has been dumped in Normanton Springs as there are too too many people ..Young People dying of neurological/Cancers living close to this site.

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They are sending me to a dept in Leeds :roll: Still waiting for them to get back to me ! Im trying to be patient !


Hi serenity, I am glad you have contacted them, but they are very busy I know from my experience from working with them as a health and safety rep. But once they have contacted you, things should go smoothly.


Good Luck :)

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I used to live at Richmond as a child and we used to spend hours playing on

"The Red Hills" as the dumping site was called this was early 50 s .I know that there was a big pipe that you could walk through and think that sewage was piped through this there was lots of stuff just dumped there I used to collect mother of pearl which had button shaped pieces cut out of it. There were also big metal drums don't know what they were as a child they were not of that much interest but you have me wondering now.::confused:

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I used to live at Richmond as a child and we used to spend hours playing on

"The Red Hills" as the dumping site was called this was early 50 s .I know that there was a big pipe that you could walk through and think that sewage was piped through this there was lots of stuff just dumped there I used to collect mother of pearl which had button shaped pieces cut out of it. There were also big metal drums don't know what they were as a child they were not of that much interest but you have me wondering now.::confused:




Like Silly, I too remember the Red Hills, pretty well as an adventure playground but from a few years earlier - from the mid 40's to mid 50's. It was wild and overgrown with a narrow gauge railway running through it - well not through but into, from the Woodhouse direction. A train used to come in on a couple of occasions weekly but I never did sus out why.


I remember the pipe being installed the whole length of the site, it must have been about 4ft dia. but it was not a sewer, it carried a small stream which always ran through from the direction of Intake to Normanton Springs. It was probably done as a prelude to development of this brownfield site although long before the term was ever coined.


There was vehicular access into the site from Mansfield Road, by the old Intake tram terminus and inside on the right were the remains of what we considered to be coke ovens. There was also an old mine shaft, still open but with a brick wall about 8ft high around it. We used to sit atop the wall and drop bricks in, counting the seconds taken to hit the bottom. Health and safety would have had a field day. There were a couple of these walled shafts at Frecheville, the other side of Birley Moor Road from the shopping centre.


All else considered, I cannot recall anything sinister about the site and we played on there from the age of about 5. (Bogey men hadn't been invented then, they had had enough nastiness in the war). We used to play out all day, from a very early age and our parents didn't worry, nor had they cause to.


I am still around at approaching 68 years of age and haven't fallen foul of any of the ailments which have been discussed although I must confess that I left the area 48 years ago when called upon to serve Queen and Country.


M :D

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