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Normanton Springs


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Just talked to another Enviroment Rep.

The Ball is now moving !!!!!!! I have to email http://www.unitenquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk

Here I have to state all my concerns and my wanting to know what is in this Landfill.

I put the email address out for anyone else interested in wanting info etc..however the more emails and pressure given to this agency will certainly speed the ball bouncing.

finally I see some light !

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Just talked to another Enviroment Rep.

The Ball is now moving !!!!!!! I have to email http://www.unitenquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk

Here I have to state all my concerns and my wanting to know what is in this Landfill.

I put the email address out for anyone else interested in wanting info etc..however the more emails and pressure given to this agency will certainly speed the ball bouncing.

finally I see some light !



Hopefully anyone else with concerns in the normanton springs area will e-mail their concerns. Thanks for the update and the e-mail address Serenety. :)

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Nice :) is that somewhere near Cape Canaveral? :)


Not too far ! about 20 mins away, we have an awesome few of the shuttle taking off, its amazing !

On the other hand we have Hurricaine season now ...Price of Paradise I guess.... Lost part of our roof two years ago :mad:

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Not too far ! about 20 mins away, we have an awesome few of the shuttle taking off, its amazing !

On the other hand we have Hurricaine season now ...Price of Paradise I guess.... Lost part of our roof two years ago :mad:


Great, I only ever saw that event once, a truely awesome sight. I surely don't envy you the hurricane season. But as you say, living in paradise has its price. I hope that you are not affected too badly by this years hurricane season.

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Thanks Pooch !

I will keep U updated...Promise !

Where in Sheffield do U live ?


You are very welcome, I live in the Woodhouse area of sheffield, and I know normanton springs/hill well, Thankfully I don't live too close to there. Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I went out for a while.

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  • 13 years later...

In reference to Normanton springs,before it became landfill during its mining era just as you come up Normanton hill on the left us four old pit houses I lived at No 7 with my grandparents,here's the layout as I can remember at the bottom of Linley lane was the quarry,just to the right of my Nans house was the railway which ran under Normanton Hill,then there was the brickyard,then there was the chemical factory then Birley west colliery,I too remember the shafts opening up in the early seventies and remember all sorts of bring dumped in them as to what it was I don't know.

About 1977 ish it became the landfill and continued for many years if you look up Birley collieryit will show you historic layout of Normanton springs and pin point where the chemical factory was,when I was a young boy I was told the gases omitted from the landfill would take years to burn off and you could see the blue gases being burnt off at the bottom of Linley Lane hope this helps 

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The railway line that passed under Normanton Hill still has the bridge abutments in place, as you come up the hill the line passed where the last house on the right is before the climb the wall on the left hand side of the road here is the top of what was the bridge.
As  a kid in the early 80's we used to play around the abandoned mine area before the whole area was levelled and filled in..... little did we know back then.


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