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O'Neills in Broomhill


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Sorry if this has been covered before, but does anyone know what happened to the old landlord of O'Neills in Broomhill, Dennis? I know O'Neills was a horrible Irish chain pub theme but Dennis was a good landlord (he used to run O'Hagans back before it was reduced to rubble and Vodka Revolution was built on it).

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The SCREAM pubs are CRAP! I hate that one that used to be THE YORK, and then O Neils. The bar staff are morons.....if you dont ask for a VK or a pint of lager they have not got a clue what you are talking about!!!! The question to a certain blonde and exceptionally well endowed barmaid was " Have you got any real ale on tap?" was met with a 5 second silence and blank look followed by a "sorry?"....upon repeating the question the response was 4 seconds this time and took the form of "We have different lager on...do you want lager?"........


lets say the conversation did not improve after that point.....I was not a chav who wanted a pint of gut wrenching Carling, nor was I a chick after a bottle of some stupid vodka mix....the poor girl was floundering....

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Don't talk rubbish. The staff at the York aren't morons, just because you couldn't get your real ale don't stoop to slagging them off. Scream as a brand don't stock Real Ale because students don't drink it, as a rule. Get over it. To start slagging off the bar staff off with a moronic comment about not being Carling or VK is pathetic

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Snowboarder has every right to walk into a PUB, whatever the name and expect staff to know what BEER is, although there may have been some compensation in explaining at length exactly what beer is in this case.

The management seem to have decided that use of the till is all the training required nowadays.

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He He He...If you have any top GOSSIP on the above said bar manager... of O'Neils ...They will be greatly recieved as i am his new boss!...

All in the office are waiting exitedly..if its too bad please PM me...

He He cheers..

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Originally posted by LeagueFan

Don't talk rubbish. The staff at the York aren't morons, just because you couldn't get your real ale don't stoop to slagging them off. Scream as a brand don't stock Real Ale because students don't drink it, as a rule. Get over it. To start slagging off the bar staff off with a moronic comment about not being Carling or VK is pathetic



I stick by my story, the staff are muppets. They have been trained only to smile and speak in short words for their "chavvie" customers. They have no customer skills at all other than to pour warm, flat tasteless Carling and say "have u got a yellow card", which is the longest sentence they have been trained to speak without more than a 5 second pause in the middle between "got" and "a". I could have more intelligent conversation with a pool table and probably get a better response!!!


And as for students not drinking real ale what r u talking about? Look at the Dev Cat in term time, its wall to wall students supping real ale. Same in the students Union and all other real ale pubs in Sheffield. Its townie chavs who drink the crappy lager not students, as a rule. Even girl students knock back bottles of Newcastle brown in the Fox and DUck, to be seen regularly.

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