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O'Neills in Broomhill


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A belated attempt to steer this resurrected thread back on topic..... ;)


does anyone know what happened to the old landlord of O'Neills in Broomhill, Dennis? I know O'Neills was a horrible Irish chain pub theme but Dennis was a good landlord (he used to run O'Hagans back before it was reduced to rubble and Vodka Revolution was built on it).

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Just to divert from the topic again- how many people remember when the York was really the York and was just a lovely pub for a quiet drink? I worked in the York throughout my student years (from that you can guess that I'm no longer a spring chicken) and have never taken to what was done to it afterwards.


I bet Def Leppard don't go in there any more.

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I looked after The York whilst the managers were on holiday once. Can't remember their names unfortunately just that they had a young daughter. It was in the nineties sometime whilst the student games were being run? You're right it WAS a lovely pub, whilst I was there they came and looked at it to turn it into an 'O' Neills and I and the regulars there told them it would be a huge mistake and it was!!!

I remember an older woman who'd been there working for years but can't remember her name, also remember two students working there called James and Will. Really nice customers too. I didn't want to be a bar manager till I looked after that place and would love to run The York!

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i loved O'Neills, i first went there for a Moot ( Pagan meet) its that place that got me onto guinness :D when it closed down i was sposed to be having the stools and tables out of it for my shop .. gutted cos it fell thru.

Dennis works for the enviromental health or something now i saw him a few months ago he came into our shop

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Originally posted by cruella

He He He...If you have any top GOSSIP on the above said bar manager... of O'Neils ...They will be greatly recieved as i am his new boss!...

All in the office are waiting exitedly..if its too bad please PM me...

He He cheers..


Having worked with Denis for about three years, I have plenty of gossip..........however...........I would never post it in the forum as i think he is a great bloke and would not want to embarass him.


Suffice to say he liked to wind the old regulars up.

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Reading this thread, which has gone somewhat away from the original question posed, has made me realise what a pig's ear they've (the breweries and associated chains) have made of the pubs in Broomhill.


The York was my first 'local' (February 1986). What made it special was the fact that it was normal. Infact, it was quite a bland little pub but was welcoming and traditional. It was, I'm afraid to say, a Tenants and Lime for me in those days! When it changed to O' Neill's (about as Oirish as The Cors) it was ruined. Anybody know that if you want decent Guinness you head for the Irish Triangle (such as Fagans where it is better and probably cheaper).


The Fox and Duck also used to be a great traditional pub serving John Smiths and a top-notch pint of Magnet. That was before the Student Union got their hands on it. Now look at it. It might as well be renamed The York II. (And what's all that? Bring your own food? Pah, it's more like a Youth Hostel than a pub). [Why stop there? Bring your own records, bring your acoustic guitars. We'll provide the bean bags so you can crash out on the floor?]


South Sea used to be the pub students avoided. No longer. Come on in. The Nottingham House - at least the silly Phalanx and Firkin name has gone - is also aimed at students.


Which leaves The Place and the only true traditional boozer, The Broomhill Tavern. It's only a matter of time before the latter becomes The York III, surely?


I'm not having a go at students, but not all local, Sheffield folk want pubs which cater directly for students at the behest of people like myself.


Broomhill used to be a great place for a night out with a mixture of pubs serving decent ales.


Sadly, no longer.

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