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The Writers' Group introduction thread.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone! I've just joined the group and thought I'd give y'all little introduction.


I've new to all this, I think I can become a keen amateur and I'm looking forward to getting something posted and having a few people look at it - hopefully there's some sympathetic eyes who can give me some constructive pointers to help me along. I'm going to cobble together for the October theme. A bit nervous, but hey....


Taking a quick look at my bookshelf my favorite authors are Hanif Hureshi, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes and Roddy Doyle - I like writers who give a little of themselves in their work, or put a little fascination into the more ordinary or mundane aspects of lives, and aren't afraid to be unconventional.


So! There we are then - looking forward to getting started!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife dragged me off last night with our 6 year old granddaughter Megan to an audtion put on by the Women's club. The purpose was to raise funds for an alcohol free party for next years high sdhool graduation. Theyve been doing it for years. Anyway Megan caught sight of an antique baby doll in a wicker work carriage that she " simply had to have " and demanded a dollar from me to buy it. I tried to explain that the dollar was for the paddle you held up for a bid. The item was number 48 on the list. As the list was worked through with excruciating slowness, Megan became more and more anxious.

Finally the magic moment came. Megan, sat beside me, was trembling with fear that it may not be hers. I made an opening bid of 5 dollars, dead silence. Could it be mine for that money? Then an old lady at six dollars, instant counter by me at seven. So it went slowly by her, instantaneously by me until at 17 she capitulated. The auctioneer slowly intoned " going, going " Megan not breathing at all. Then "sold!!!" .

Yells of delight and high fives from Poppa and Meg, oohs and aahs from ladies at this moment of family, and glares at the old dear that had made us bid high. While charitable ,the word that almost came to me was one I'd remembered from England, something to do with a bovine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya, to introduce myself: I've long been an avid reader, starting off on Sci-Fi like Asimov and Clarke - actually it really started off with Rupert the Bear and TinTin but my serious reading began with all things spacey. Nowadays I read from a much wider list although I do still like Sci-Fi, my favourite author is Chuck Palahuik - I've never read a book of his I didn't really like, mostly for his laconic/anything goes tone. I do really like reading different writing styles, I recently finished "The Horse Whisper", which was well written if well melodramatic! Ian Rankin and Le Carre are another couple of authors who have recently got my eyeballs glued as it were.


I've been writing short stories and songs for years, though lately mainly songs and an embryonic book. I don't have time for much writing (I write the book longhand because it means I can do it anywhere, rather than sitting in front of the computer, which I do enough of as it is) but would like to practise some writing outside of the novel!

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