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The Writers' Group introduction thread.

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Hi, I have been a lurker on the group for a while, as long as I have been on the forum. Sadly I haven’t written any fiction for a long time, - due to life, and being immersed in academia. However life has changed direction recently and so have I and am now picking things up that I have left for far too long. I enjoy somewhat ‘dark’ stories, and many of mine seem to go that way, as well as religious twists. I have a few semi autobiographical things bursting to get out and so hope to share those with you... and if anyone knows a good writers group in the Heeley area that is open to new members I would love to meet up with people face to face as well as chatting over this cyber garden wall.

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Hi, I have been a lurker on the group for a while, as long as I have been on the forum. Sadly I haven’t written any fiction for a long time, - due to life, and being immersed in academia. However life has changed direction recently and so have I and am now picking things up that I have left for far too long. I enjoy somewhat ‘dark’ stories, and many of mine seem to go that way, as well as religious twists. I have a few semi autobiographical things bursting to get out and so hope to share those with you... and if anyone knows a good writers group in the Heeley area that is open to new members I would love to meet up with people face to face as well as chatting over this cyber garden wall.

Hello - I too live in the Heeley area and as yet have not heard of any writing groups. Sadly if there were I would not be able to attend as I am disabled and don't get out much. At the moment I am just finishing a Humanities course through Open Uni and have registered for Creative Writing towards my third degree. This way I am hoping to write constructively and talk 'over the cyber garden wall' with like-minded folk. If I hear of anything I will let you know. Tatty Dumps.

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Hello - I too live in the Heeley area and as yet have not heard of any writing groups. Sadly if there were I would not be able to attend as I am disabled and don't get out much. At the moment I am just finishing a Humanities course through Open Uni and have registered for Creative Writing towards my third degree. This way I am hoping to write constructively and talk 'over the cyber garden wall' with like-minded folk. If I hear of anything I will let you know. Tatty Dumps.


Thanks Tatty, I have not been getting out much either as I hae been ill for a while ( heart probs), thankfully my meds have helped and I am getting out more and more. The creative writing course sounds interetsing. Is that with the OU too???

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Thanks Tatty, I have not been getting out much either as I hae been ill for a while ( heart probs), thankfully my meds have helped and I am getting out more and more. The creative writing course sounds interetsing. Is that with the OU too???


Hi Shullie - you're welcome. Yes the Creative Writing is with the OU as well. I'm lucky in that I have a lot of credits which I have been able to transfer from Sheffield Uni and I have only another course to do at level 3 and I've done my degree. They have introduced an advanced Creative Writing course at level 3 so naturally I will be registering for that one next year. The OU are very supportive with disabled people - for instance I can't write because of arthritus so I am allowed to do all my work on computer even exams. It is expensive, £610 per 60 credits but at 74 what else have I to spend my money on. Good luck with your writing (I haven't submitted anything yet) I have a 3 month break during the summer so I may get my head down.

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Hi all... er... well, I'm doing a creative writing course at a local adult learning centre and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I figure that if there's an opportunity to have your work looked at and critiqued by a wider range of people then that's all good. Plus, I also really enjoy reading other people's work. One of the best things about the course I'm doing is that even the least confident of my class mates have brought work in that has made me go 'Yeah, that's cool'.


I have done a couple of stories but I prefer poetry. I am not prolific at all so I don't have much work to show people, but there's plenty of time eh?


Thanks a lot...

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Hi Shullie, Tatty Dumps & Fivetide - welcome to the group. I've only been an active writing member for a couple of months, but I'm finding it really interesting - putting your own work up for scrutiny and criticism can be daunting, but I've found everyone to be very supportive and constructively critical. It's also been a real treat to read other people's work - there are some fine writers here! I look forward to reading anything you'd care to submit when you're ready :)

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Hi all... er... well, I'm doing a creative writing course at a local adult learning centre and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I figure that if there's an opportunity to have your work looked at and critiqued by a wider range of people then that's all good. Plus, I also really enjoy reading other people's work. One of the best things about the course I'm doing is that even the least confident of my class mates have brought work in that has made me go 'Yeah, that's cool'.


I have done a couple of stories but I prefer poetry. I am not prolific at all so I don't have much work to show people, but there's plenty of time eh?


Thanks a lot...


OOOoo which local adult learning centre...?? I do go to one many many years ago @ Mytrle Springs as it was then...

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Hi Shullie - you're welcome. Yes the Creative Writing is with the OU as well. I'm lucky in that I have a lot of credits which I have been able to transfer from Sheffield Uni and I have only another course to do at level 3 and I've done my degree. They have introduced an advanced Creative Writing course at level 3 so naturally I will be registering for that one next year. The OU are very supportive with disabled people - for instance I can't write because of arthritus so I am allowed to do all my work on computer even exams. It is expensive, £610 per 60 credits but at 74 what else have I to spend my money on. Good luck with your writing (I haven't submitted anything yet) I have a 3 month break during the summer so I may get my head down.


may have a look @ the OU one.... I know about the creative writeing MA @ SHU as I use to work there and it was adminstrated on the desk across from me. :)


But I want one where I meet people and get to bounce ideas around.. I feel that I have been in the house for far to long... so I want to get out and meet like minded people!

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OOOoo which local adult learning centre...?? I do go to one many many years ago @ Mytrle Springs as it was then...


Hi Shullie

I also went to Myrtle Springs Creative Writing classes - teacher Sue Gladstone. Does Meadowhall ring any bells? Tatty Dumps.

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