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The Writers' Group introduction thread.

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Hi, I'm Jo.

I live and now, for the first time in years, work in Sheffield. I have always been known as the family bookworm - can't even remember learning to read! I think my mum may have taught me when I was still in the womb!!! I read anything, from leaflets through the door to shampoo bottles when in the loo. I especially read a lot when on holiday - I've been known to read 5 books in the first 5 days and then be forced to read them again when I have nothing left! I get totally lost in a good book, but very frustrated in a bad book.


I recently read The Labyrinth by Kate Mosse, which was a very strange book that I simply couldn't put down. I loved the Lord of the Rings books and was extremely disappointed when I could see the end of the last book approaching, but still couldn't stop reading as fast as possible.


I used to write essays, or as my teacher put it, epics, when at school. Once I left school I wrote poems about anything and everything. I haven't written a story for years though and am not sure whether I will be able to, but I'm really excited at the thought of trying.:clap:

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I am an avid reader, for as long as I can remember I've had a book stashed somewhere. Glancing over my shoulder at a bookcase I see the Brontes, C. Cookson, Margaret Mitchell, Jean M Auel poets heaps of biographies and autobios., Neville Shute & James Patterson etc etc. Whether I will be counted as a writer is another thing I have written a novel, shoved in a cupboard somewhere, poetry mostly comical and a few short stories. A few years ago I joined a writers group and after that I dried as it were- so this is going to be a challenge- great, I love a challenge. Good writing everyone - Mary.

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It's interesting to note that many of you, like me, were taught to read by a parent, usually Mom, before going into school. It makes you wonder about the future, where TV is an enormous influence on youngsters, and carrying out the services of a babysitter for moms who are either out working or don't have the time or skillls to teach their kids to read. This is in no way a condemnation of them but it is a shame to deprive children of one of the joys of life, the ability to read and write.

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It's interesting to note that many of you, like me, were taught to read by a parent, usually Mom, before going into school. It makes you wonder about the future, where TV is an enormous influence on youngsters, and carrying out the services of a babysitter for moms who are either out working or don't have the time or skillls to teach their kids to read. This is in no way a condemnation of them but it is a shame to deprive children of one of the joys of life, the ability to read and write.


I totally agree - it seems that many parents feel it is school's job to teach their children to read. My niece is 5, can read quite fluently and has a room stuffed full of books. I love the fact that she has the same addiction that I always had, and I can see that it will probably be an addiction that will last throughout her life. I almost envy her in that she will be reading all those great books for the very first time!

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I am currently reading a real page turner called "To the Ends of the Earth: The Hunt For The Jackal" by David Yallop about Carlos the Jackal. Too much info to go into but fascinating and very topical.

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I'm Sam 37 year old mum of 2 from Hillsborough. I used to write all the time : poems and short stories but due to extreme stress in my family life, this has sadly not been the case of late. I need something to stimulate my brain that will also give me something to do for myself.


My only 'claim to writing fame' was being one of the infamous Kelvin Poets. Myself, petefcs and the much discussed Mozaz cobbled together a short collection of poems we'd all written about Kelvin Flats. It was self published and we sold every copy. We were minor celebs for a few weeks and you can still get hold of a copy in the library's local history section.


I love books and my house is like a library although it does seem that most if the books I read these days are kids ones with my son. We are currently on the second of the Molly Moon books and would reccommend them to anyone with young kids!


Well, that's me!

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Well im not gonna write anything as long as some and id like to leave some mystery but i love reading and writing. At infant school id read every book there and started on the junior books (was proud of this hehe). Secondry school i read all the boks in that library and im almost half way through the library books at college (mostly read educational about art and stuff). I spend ALL free time (lots of it :D) reading stories on the net, nothign else to do really though. oh and uhm...name = suzanne :)

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I'm Hacker, as you may have discerned already.

I've been in Sheffield 14 years, it's been even longer than that since I last did any creative writing of any length, apart from a couple of children's stories.

Treasure Island appears to be an early candidate for the group's favourite book. I love it too, having last reread it only about four years ago. However my own personal favourite is Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabakov - a beautiful chess puzzle of a book.

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Grew up in a little village in the middle of nowhere in the Midlands, learnt to read before I went to school, and by the age of about 9 I'd read all the books in the village primary school, including Jules Verne's Journey to the Centre of the Earth which probably helped to start me off on a life of crime. Well, crime, science fiction and fantasy largely to be more exact. By the time I was 9 or 10 I was taking about 20 SF/fantasy books out of the travelling library (which came round once a month); I'd always finished all of them by the time it came again. That's when I got into people like J.G. Ballard, Philip K. Dick and so on. Basically exhausted their supply too, then started buying books as well as reading them...


As for writing, I used to write things for the science fiction society at university, and I did once go to a creative writing class, but the only things I write now are scientific papers and reports. Hopefully I'll find time to get out of the past tense and passive voice for once.

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