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The Writers' Group introduction thread.

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You just have to get the last word in, Shoeshine.:hihi:


So...the pills the doctor gave you are working at last? :hihi:


Pills! I rattle like a bag a mabbs.

The ointments he gave me seems to have cured my trench foot, but I’m still having trouble with my in growing cloisters.

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  • 1 month later...

You're all mad as sticks!!


Introducing me...

I was rubbish at english at school - I was the 'scientific type', I didn't read books. I wrote song lyrics and poetry like most teenagers though!

Then at uni I found out I had an astygmatism and that's why the words didn't stay still.

Got bitten by the reading bug when I was backpacking round Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island. We stopped at a campsite with a laundry and I picked up a book called 'Welcome to the Monkey House' by Kurt Vonnegut. Brilliant. Then I read all the classic sci-fi I could find. This is an area or great interest to me as my degree was physics and astronomy.

I then worked in France doing a snowboarding season and my resort manager had loads of books crammed into wine boxes in her tiny attic apartment. SHe gave me books like 'perfume' and 'miss smilla's feeling for snow' which I really enjoyed. Then I realised I liked reading, full stop - not just the sciency stuff.

I then made a huge mistake and trained to be a maths teacher. I had no time for books. I left teaching and now I've started to write a bit. Hey - what greater work of fiction is there than a naughty kid's report card!!!

So here I am, I have lots of ideas, but little experience. This seems like a really supportive group and I hope we will enjoy each other's work in the future.


And I'm really sorry- due to a wine spillage a year or so ago, my K key doesn't work unless I bash it, so forgive me when there is a K missing.

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hello fellow creatives. im intersted in screenwiting. no oscars as yet but ive had some success in the critical reviews of my work. i write comedy. never had anything made but ive hit the post a couple of times! if anyone is interested in te same i'd be interested in speaking to them. if anyone would be interested in seeing a finished screenplay id be happy to send them a copy, dont worry you get thick skinned in this game so critisism will be taken in good heart. i wrote a book about ten years ago 350 pages took me years.i got a bit disolutioned and threw it away along with all the copies on disk when i was a bit drunk. oops i regret tat now!!

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You're all mad as sticks!!



And I'm really sorry- due to a wine spillage a year or so ago, my K key doesn't work unless I bash it, so forgive me when there is a K missing.


Whatever you do......don't post a contribution regarding the *u *lux *lan and then you'll be OK. :)


Go on then, give me a good *ic*ing for posting that corny jest, I dare you! :o

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'Lo all. I'm Seamus, 20.

I've not posted anything up here yet but I will do shortly. I don't tend to write fiction although I love reading it - Donald Barthelme is God.

I'm more of a poetry man, and I've had a bit of this and experimental writing published in journals and such, but I've not made much effort with submissions since to be honest. I've also read at events organized by Word Life and Creatovate in the city.

Anyway, working on a couple of things at the minute so I'll post them soon, look forward to seeing all of your work!

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Evening all! I'm Kel, 23, residing in Norfolk Park. Been an avid reader my whole life (including while my mum was doing the hoovering around me when I was 2) and have been writing things ever since I can remember. My first story is possibly the one about "Slowy the Snail", also illustrated, written for my Bampy when I was barely attending Primary School. Unfortunately for Slowy the Snail, he met an untimely end and unfortunately for all my other wonderful stories, they never got all the way out of my head and usually ended up flailing around about the beginning of the middle.


Hopefully all that is going to change now! I'm enrolled in an OU course about "Writing Fiction" and I hope to get some complete stuff out of my head in the very near future.


I'm currently in the middle of Stephen King's Cell (taking a short break as I've been reading it since 3pm), my first SK book and hopefully not my last. Other favourite authors include Kathy Reichs, Dean Koontz, Christopher Pike and LJ Smith.


I hope to get chatting to some of you soon!

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Whatever you do......don't post a contribution regarding the *u *lux *lan and then you'll be OK. :)


Go on then, give me a good *ic*ing for posting that corny jest, I dare you! :o


You're lucy I don't now arate, or I'd ic your bacside! :hihi:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am considered to be a reasonable competent writer having had several articles published over the years.

It is, however, difficult to write 'cold' before ascertaining the most accepted subject matter that would appeal.

Possibly someone would care to voice that which is the more popular of topics.

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I am considered to be a reasonable competent writer having had several articles published over the years.

It is, however, difficult to write 'cold' before ascertaining the most accepted subject matter that would appeal.

Possibly someone would care to voice that which is the more popular of topics.


On the SFWC you can write about any topic that takes your fancy, you write it, we’ll read it and hopefully you’ll get load of comments.

Welcome on board Heeley tyke.

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