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Cures for the common cold

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Apparently many forummers are suffering terribly from colds and snuffles!!!:o


My brother reckons that the best way to get rid is to spend a day at the seaside, symptoms can be contained by drinking orange and honey.

Personally, I stick to orange or lemon drinks mixed with honey to help with the sore throat. Going out in the cold seems to help with the other symptoms: I'd guess the bugs don't reproduce as fast in lower temperatures.

Headaches I always address with paracetomol/aspirin and drinking lots of water.


I'm sure there are lots of home remedys out there; why not share them and bring relief to the sneezing hordes?:thumbsup:


Post your cures below.

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I find nothing shifts them until they're good and ready to disappear on their own accord (until the next one about a week later :roll:). I just have Hot Lemons for the paracetamol, though I suspect all that does is control the headache and keep any fever at bay.


The Lemsip nose spray is very good for a bunged nose though, and then Vicks at night in an attempt to keep it unblocked.

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Into 500ml of boiling water, add 1 tsp dried sage and 1 tsp dried thyme. Steep for around 10 minutes.


Sieve to remove the herbs.


Just before drinking, add the juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon into a mug and add honey to taste. (Or not if you don't like it :D; maple syrup will do the trick as sugar will not help your cold).


Drink 3-4 times a day.


2 drops of Olbas oil on your pillow will keep you nose clear for most of the night.


And it works. Ask Sheff_Minx; she's tried it :thumbsup:


Avoid dairy and banans and anything with sugar in it.

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Funnily enough, when my brother and I were kids, we were always taken somewhere near rushing water, if we had a cough. Not specifically the sea-side though, Derwent or somewhere like that.


Having said that, I haven't had a cold for ages, sniffles maybe sometimes, but if I did have one, it would be

Paracetamol, slices of lemon with honey in hot water, especially at bed time.


For the cough, even to this day, it's a sliced onion with demerara sugar over, left for a short time until the liquid oozes out and then a spoonful when you start to cough.


It became such a habit in our house that if me or my two cough whilst talking to each other these days, we automatically look up and say "oooh brown sugar and onions":hihi:

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