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Blades 2 Fulham 0

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Which means, the day you stop posting sh*te on the owls thread, stop the childish names, stop trying to be funny when you're not, stop trying to be a know-it-all whilst based in another country, stop your snidey remarks, stop taking the p*ss out of Wednesday at every opportunity ( mostly it just makes you look thicker anyway ) . . . .


Then we can go onto the subject of the beautiful game.


pot kettle black

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We move away to let you two love birds canoodle and sweet talk into each others shell likes about your amazing win.:love:


Lestat, as you said to me on an earlier post. Why don't you just flock off back to your own site.

You're a tiresome,arrogant p***k with no redeeming values to offer towards a sensible discussion about football.

It's a pity that you don't transfer your allegiance to one of the "down souf" teams who might appreciate your juvenile posturing and it would spare all us normal fans, Blades and Owls alike, your meandering drivel. :rant:

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Lestat, as you said to me on an earlier post. Why don't you just flock off back to your own site.

You're a tiresome,arrogant p***k with no redeeming values to offer towards a sensible discussion about football.

It's a pity that you don't transfer your allegiance to one of the "down souf" teams who might appreciate your juvenile posturing and it would spare all us normal fans, Blades and Owls alike, your meandering drivel. :rant:


im ablade but he gives owls a bad name and thats sayin sumthin

:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:

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and what about CB? tbh I wouldn't miss either of them on both boards.


Oh dear Ally and you just agreed with me on something :o

I started this thread about the Blades score.

Read the 4 posts on here ( and on any other thread ) from Lestat,hes the first one to reply with nothing but the same inane drivel and name calling.


Not once Ally have i asked you how many games you have been to this season because I am guessing its about the same as me correct ?

Maybe I should have that as my signature :help: But no I like the one i have its Perfect :thumbsup:

When i post anything about football theres Forrest again sticking his neb in, How do you know, you are in the mountains :gag:

Always thought you were alright for an exiled Grunter and have made me :hihi: on a few occasions when i have asked for the goals.

Anyways I am not going anywhere flower , sorry to dissapoint you but I will not bother answering Forrest and post more about footy ok m8 ?


Regards CB

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