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Blades 2 Fulham 0

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Oh dear Ally and you just agreed with me on something :o

I started this thread about the Blades score.

Read the 4 posts on here ( and on any other thread ) from Lestat,hes the first one to reply with nothing but the same inane drivel and name calling.


Not once Ally have i asked you how many games you have been to this season because I am guessing its about the same as me correct ?

Maybe I should have that as my signature :help: But no I like the one i have its Perfect :thumbsup:

When i post anything about football theres Forrest again sticking his neb in, How do you know, you are in the mountains :gag:

Always thought you were alright for an exiled Grunter and have made me :hihi: on a few occasions when i have asked for the goals.

Anyways I am not going anywhere flower , sorry to dissapoint you but I will not bother answering Forrest and post more about footy ok m8 ?


Regards CB


That would be nice if you'd post more about the footy, it's just that you can't help making a snide remark about Wednesday and that's probably why Lestat picks up on that. I am just fed up of the childish comments, it really is BORING ME TO TEARS! Why can't you just ignore it instead of rising to the bait. In the end it just makes you just as bad.


ps. the point we agreed on was a footy comment... L**ds will go down. :nod:

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That would be nice if you'd post more about the footy, it's just that you can't help making a snide remark about Wednesday and that's probably why Lestat picks up on that. I am just fed up of the childish comments, it really is BORING ME TO TEARS! Why can't you just ignore it instead of rising to the bait. In the end it just makes you just as bad.


ps. the point we agreed on was a footy comment... L**ds will go down. :nod:


Yes they will and they wont recover for many many years, Oh how the mighty have fallen.

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How many points did Sunderland go down with?

Thick porkers CB ,have they won for the last few weeks? er no all gone silent.

Good performance tonight excellent throughout.

I hate doing this though but one of them said the traffic around the lane was bad ! what an understatement, but we do sell 27,000 tickets for a freezing winter night.

Oh by the way Flaws said they got 29,000 home fans for a home game can anyone tell me which one this was?

Waiting, so an idea Flaws get your fu-king figures right , YES it is £ 27 million in debt.


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That would be nice if you'd post more about the footy, it's just that you can't help making a snide remark about Wednesday and that's probably why Lestat picks up on that. I am just fed up of the childish comments, it really is BORING ME TO TEARS! Why can't you just ignore it instead of rising to the bait. In the end it just makes you just as bad.


ps. the point we agreed on was a footy comment... L**ds will go down. :nod:


It's all very well falling into (i'm getting bored about the snide remarks)but i notice that you only left your remark to (cb)! to make yourself look more sincere why not include swfc fans then sincere people will see eye to eye,

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its like a school playground in here!! :D


Couldn't agree more. When my kids were very young they behaved exactly like this, repetitive name calling which wasn't really funny to anyone except themselves.

Canadablade, you have no idea how silly the majority of your posts are, neither witty, funny, cleverly sarcastic, or intelligently insulting. I'm sure you must get some personal satisfaction from them but believe me nobody else does. You post more on the Wednesday thread than on the United one, it seems to me, and add nothing to it in the way of opinion or intellect. Please be a little more grown up and think long and hard before you put something on there. You're not funny.

Lestat, I know you enjoy winding him up and you spend far less time posting on the Blades thread than you do on the Owls one, but you're helping to lower the standard of the discussions to one of trading juvenile insults. I know that you have some worthy points about our team and I welcome them , but please let's try to keep it to a reasonable level.

To both Canadablade and Lestat, why don't you just exchange e mail addresses and send your insults to each other that way.

Enough is enough guys, give it a rest please.


(now I half expect to hear "he started it, no I didn't it was you, it wasn't, was etc)

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I thought this thread was to talk about United beating Fulham last night,The Blades played well & deserved the 3 points ,Coleman said United thoroughly deserved the win,we dominated from the kick off,the team throughout was outstanding.WE ARE PREMIER LEAGUE.

Attendance:27.540.That includes 300 Fulham supporters, so what a great crowd for a cold Jan night.

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