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Blade on the 77 Bus? 30/01 10.20pm


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So who was the Blade(s) on the 77 bus last night?

I caught the bus home from work last night, and it was full of pork chops

all those blades and little me:D with my (we hate Blades badge) on the front of my jacket...:hihi: It went down like a house on fire...:hihi: a few smuty remarks were passed around, :rolleyes: (Bless'um)

One bloke asked me "Are you madowl off forum" ??

Fame at Last!!:cool:

Yes i am, i said to the chap.. to the reply of yeah tha must be mad to watch them To****s, (Bless):hihi: He said he recognized me from my avatar?? i asked if he was a forum member.... he was.... but was too Ashamed to Admit who he was to me, while wearing one of those funny shirts! (nowt new there then):D


So who are you?

And to those other Blades on the bus:wave:

:shakes: all those rude names you called me

lv you too


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up the blue and white wizards!!!!!!!



lol!! thats a such a blatent rip off of what united say- wednesday have NEVER said that!! copied us calling you pigs and now your knicking our sayings, lol- whats next- a wednesday version of you fill up my senses.

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lol!! thats a such a blatent rip off of what united say- wednesday have NEVER said that!! copied us calling you pigs and now your knicking our sayings, lol- whats next- a wednesday version of you fill up my senses.


OK you asked for it:


You fill up my senses

Like a Beres pork sarnie

Like a night out at Hillsborough

Like a Doner Kebab

Like a pint in the Travellers,

Like a David Hirst volley

Oh Sheffield Wednesday

Come thrill me again.......

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OK you asked for it:


You fill up my senses

Like a Beres pork sarnie

Like a night out at Hillsborough

Like a Doner Kebab

Like a pint in the Travellers,

Like a David Hirst volley

Oh Sheffield Wednesday

Come thrill me again.......


Nooooooooooooo!!!!... that just gives me the shivers... it's a tune that's best kept on the scummy side of town.


Good version though :thumbsup:

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lmao @ those lyrics when did you think of those lol


I asked a Blade workmate for the United version this morning and then just thought of things that would remind me of a match day at the holy end of town.

Glad you like, if the Kop want to sing it I'll waive the rights to any royalties.

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