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10 Reasons The Uk is Better To Live In Than Australia

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Well, some of the posts on this thread bear out the old adage that "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence". Actually it's greener in the UK; Australia is mostly desert, and the rest of it has been so enthusiastically colonised by bureaucrats that you need a permit to sneeze...


Sorry mate,but you don't know what you're talking about, this is where I live and we are in drought conditions.


This is 10 mins away, Kiama.jpg

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While ever you think that this place is not much cop, that's fine with me, I have all the beach to myself.



Timbuck I stayed long enough for the 60's music revolution & came in 1970, you should have come too, we could have formed a band, the ones here were crap in those days, we would have made a motza.

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I have to agree with Skippy, don't always believe what propoganda says about a place. I have lived on the coast and now live inland in your so called desert. It is by no means a desert but quite fertile. The green maybe not as deep as England but then we don't have to think about whether to take an umbrella or rain coat or risk it. Our winters do get cold but only so far as we have to wear a jumper and maybe long trousers. In 40 years I have never worn a rain coat or over coat and only wear a jacket for the odd formal outing.

Don't think I don't like UK, just the opposite, we have visted about every 4 years and really enjoyed it including the weather but I have to say that we do have trouble handling the masses of people in the towns, the country side and most of all on the roads. The stress of living is very high and seems to be why a lot of people choose to have at least 2 holidays away per year. We don't seem to have that stress and so don't require to get away from where we live apart from our trips to UK.

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Gday Skippy and LostSoul,


I spent a lot of time around Kiama, Illawarra and Albion Park.

I have a very good mate, Kim Ryan (hes a skippy) he lives up on scenic cresent in Albion Park.


I try and get over there as much as I can to visit him, I now live in Perth, 1st choice by a very small margine to where you guys live.


Im from Brightside in Sheffield originally and couldnt agree with you more.


Keep up the good work!

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Well, there is a sort of pattern that tends to emerge with these threads. They all seem to confirm that people are happiest where they are. I’ve seen quite a lot of Oz, as I have of New Zealand, the U.S.A., South Africa, most of Europe and many other countries. And being in comfortably-off retirement I suppose I can live more-or-less where I want. And the Lincolnshire Wolds will do me fine, thank you. I’ve crossed the Nullarbor, had a few cold beers in Ballarat, gone for a swim on Bondi Beach, done some snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef and done quite a bit of wild-country hiking in Tassie. But here in the sunniest autumn for many years, a morning stroll in Twigmoor Woods, or a walk over the Wolds to a welcoming pub for a nice lunch in convivial company is OK with me, mate.

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he lives up on scenic cresent in Albion Park.


Gday brightsidebr, I live just across the other side of the hwy from him.


Hi Sydneyos, I lived on the Shirecliffe before I got married.

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While ever you think that this place is not much cop, that's fine with me, I have all the beach to myself.




Hi Skippy, Ive seen a photograph, of the same view, on your second photo (there's a windy road to the right-that you can't see, as it's cut out-isn't there?). Someone I knew went there. They never came back, so I'm sure it's a great place to live.

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