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10 Reasons The Uk is Better To Live In Than Australia

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I`m betting that IF they do have bonfire toffee in OZ, which I doubt, that they can eat it in much bigger single lumps than we Brits can !!! :D


Malc, doubt no more, bonfire toffee can be bought in Oz, one such place is in Darling Harbour, which is in Sydney.

Talking of mouth sizes, you didn't do bad yourself, you just put your foot in yours with that remark.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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I bet they can get loads of tripe as well. Truce ???? All the best mate


Sure Malc, it's only friendly banter, I haven't lost my Yorkshire sense of humour and never will, I can't help but have a bit of a stir sometimes.

Speaking of tripe, people here are horrified when I tell them we used to eat that stuff with salt & vinegar, one thing I do really miss is a good old pork pie, the ones I've tried so far just don't taste the same & the crust isn't crispy, hooroo.

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That's at the bottom of the garden Skippy. Have been in the boat all day, had lunch off Manly beach, Sydneyozz


Not a bad place to have lunch! Remember going there on our visit to Australia a couple of years ago. We spent 4 nights in Sydney and drove up the coast to Eumundi where my step daughter lives. Had a wonderful time. Had a week at Eumundi before flying up to Cairns and spending a week in Port Douglas - wow! Then back to Eumundi for a week before flying back home. Wonderful holiday, wonderful memories too. Actually went to the Australia Zoo and saw Steve the crocodile man - great time.

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Not a bad place to have lunch!


Gday P/D, cat was here too a few years ago, we could have had a mini reunion if the Grimey thread had been going at that time ?


Gday to you too! The only thing is with the Grimey thread that I 'm not sure of most of the people. It's my sibblings that do all the chatter!! Being a teenager when we came to live in Grimey my roots were still in Darnall where we were brought up so I didn't get to know too many people in Grimesthorpe. But yes, would have been good to have had a mini reunion - could have passed messages on if nothing else! But Aussie was wonderful and I shall never forget my first sight of the Sydney Opera House and Harbour. My friend and I had to keep pinching ourselves and asking if we were really there!

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Sure Malc, it's only friendly banter, I haven't lost my Yorkshire sense of humour and never will, I can't help but have a bit of a stir sometimes.

Speaking of tripe, people here are horrified when I tell them we used to eat that stuff with salt & vinegar, one thing I do really miss is a good old pork pie, the ones I've tried so far just don't taste the same & the crust isn't crispy, hooroo.


I never liked the stuff but my dad used to have it for his saturday tea with plenty of salt and vinegar with bread and butter and a pint pot of sweet tea. I had to go and get the stuff for him and he also had chicklen and bag, remember that??.


Ahh yes the good old pork pie...sadly they don't agree with me any more and I`m not allowed them but I`ve eaten tons of them over my life. They talk about calories and cholesterol these days, remember bread and dripping with loads of salt? When were were lucky enough to have a joint for the sunday dinner mam used to makes loads of dripping by loading the joint tin up with a pound of lard.Then if we didn`t have a joint at the weekend we had bread and lard..Ugggh

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chicklen and bag, remember that??.


Yuk, I even hate the thought of that. :gag:


They talk about calories and cholesterol these days, remember bread and dripping with loads of salt? bread and lard..Ugggh


One thing about it Malc, we're still around to talk about it, so it didn't do us much harm. :hihi:

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