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10 Reasons The Uk is Better To Live In Than Australia

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I noticed in Austalia when I was there, the estates are a couple of miles apart whereas housing estates in Sheffield are all bang next door to each other. The weather is also a big bonus for Australia. They are wanting skilled people over there now, to go over there and work, whereas we have an anybody can come to our country and will be welcome immigration policy.

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Global warming/water shortage.


Try telling the people in Townsville that there is a water shortage, they have floods there at the moment, if only they channeled the water south instead of out to sea, things would be better.

Global warming is a natural phenomenum in my book, as are the seasons, we had the ice age, what caused that, must have been the lack of power stations & cars etc if you believe what governments tell us.


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the flies, - as big as bumble bees, Not to mention the spiders; tiny little spiders that could kill you with a look - didn't need to bite you, and little snakes too that pumped enough venom to kill a cow.

And the beer ! - served so cold it would crack your teeth. Swan lager it was called, -about 1.5% alcohol by volume, a toddler would have a hard time getting tipsy on it yet the Ozzies got fighting drunk ! :hihi:


Greybeard, you forgot to mention the sharks, I feel you must have been in Perth, not many Ozzies there, it's all Poms & Scots, nice though & you can get most of the Pommie beers in a pub in one of the main streets in the city,

By the way, how come your fuel prices are twice the price of ours, I'm surprised you can still afford a few ales.

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"swap our city centre apartment for a huge house complete with swimming pool and beautiful hot weather. I'm not saying the UK has nothing to offer because it does - I wouldn't be living her now if it didn't (i'm proud to live in UK, especially Sheffield).


As for Aus being 50 years behind - yes they may be in some respects, but that only makes for a better place. My in laws live in a beautiful country town and can sleep at night, and go out during the day without locking their doors (this is how my parents tell me it was in the 1950's in England. I wish it were still like that here now). There's no ridiculous political correctness either - everyone just seems very relaxed, and so they should be, it's a wonderful place to live".


- Swimming Pool well- first you have to get a permit! then - well WE ARE politically correct and if you already have a pool, well people are already frowning on the water consumption. Topping the pool up is also a problem. You'll need air-conditioning for your 'huge house' - which also contributes to global warming.


We are not 50 years behind in ANY respect - what an insult - we lead the way in many areas of medical research and, looking at the UK's health care - we get a lot more for our money with state of the art equipment and services well beyond those available in the UK. We have the same fashions, cars, REAL showers - where you don't have to run around to get wet or have an instruction manual to operate! - better health care, far superior aged care - so what exactly are we 50 years behind? I know plenty of people who live in country towns who wouldn't dare leave their door unlocked - likewise I have family in the UK in country areas who never lock their doors! Oh - and one other thing - seen one Australian country town - well.. seen them all! Most are pretty boring!


We are part of a globalised, international society, so apart for climatic / geographic issues everything is pretty much the same in all developed countries!! Some marginal issues around food and petrol pricing and value for money. Yes, you get a much better house for your money in Australia but then you can't afford a holiday outside Australia!!


Oh, and by the way. Political Correctness is alive, well and definitely thriving in our multi-cultural society.

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whew am i glad this is not a chat on how much better it is in Canada ,I feel so sorry for you lot that have to live in Australia or horror of all horror's U.K.is it ok to feel just a little smug (uh this is a joke)

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whew am i glad this is not a chat on how much better it is in Canada ,I feel so sorry for you lot that have to live in Australia or horror of all horror's U.K.is it ok to feel just a little smug (uh this is a joke)
I enjoyed the years I lived in Canada, even though I lived in Quebec. Good times and good food in Montreal, the Habs, Molson. What more could you want. Even though the winters were cold, you could enjoy them

with first rate skiiing in the Laurentians. Nationalized medicine meant everybody got care. I can be in Montreal after a five hour drive, and in UK after a six hour flight. I have no bitch against Australia, but it never really appealed to me. I like the sun as well as the next guy, and we get plenty of it here,but I look out my window at the snow and kind of glad to have that season too.

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I work for an Australian company, and from time to time we have aussies coming over here to work...the question we always ask them is WHY?


They are there to teach you buggers how to play cricket.

Sorry fozzy, couldn't hold it back anymore, at least it makes the thread a little bigger.

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I feel so sorry for you lot that have to live in Australia.


flyer, I didn't HAVE to live here, would you believe it was a choice between here & Guelp [Canada] not sure how it's spelt, I chose this place because of the lack of cold weather & snow.

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Just to add to this thread.

If Australia is so great why are there so many Australians living in the UK?


I heard a statistic that said there are so many young Austrailans here on expired visas, especially in London, that they are one of the biggest groups of illegal immigrants in the UK.

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I feel so sorry for you lot that have to live in Australia.


flyer, I didn't HAVE to live here, would you believe it was a choice between here & Guelp [Canada] not sure how it's spelt, I chose this place because of the lack of cold weather & snow.

I do have a confession to make i also thought Canada was a land of ice and snow (wrong) my 1st choice was Australia but at 10 pds a pop the boats for Australia was full up for two years, but as for Guelph yes you did make the right move i've not been there in 20yrs but back then it was a small hick town sawdust on the bar-room floor with spitoon's all around a place right out the dark age

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