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10 Reasons The Uk is Better To Live In Than Australia

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There are many great aspects of life in Australia but the drawbacks just simply aren't recognised by residents. How can someone completly lacking in culture understand the importance of culture to society? You only need to look at the type of English person who emigrates to Australia to see the obvious deficencies of the place.



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I do have a confession to make i also thought Canada was a land of ice and snow (wrong) my 1st choice was Australia but at 10 pds a pop the boats for Australia was full up for two years, but as for Guelph yes you did make the right move i've not been there in 20yrs but back then it was a small hick town sawdust on the bar-room floor with spitoon's all around a place right out the dark age

I don't know if memory serves me right or not, but wasn't Guelph the home of a couple of big time Automobile plants like GM or Ford? I think its also the birthplace of Bobby Orr.

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If Australia is so great why are there so many Australians living in the UK?


... cos they can earn a lot more money :D


I heard a statistic that said there are so many young Austrailans here on expired visas, especially in London, that they are one of the biggest groups of illegal immigrants in the UK.

there are also an awful lot of english out there in aus who are on expired visas too ... :o:D

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I don't know if memory serves me right or not, but wasn't Guelph the home of a couple of big time Automobile plants like GM or Ford? I think its also the birthplace of Bobby Orr.


A lot of iron works including Babcock & Willcock in or around Guelph its now grown to take over some of the smaller towns,& yes it is one hell of a hockey town,The London Knights do battle royal with them every time we meet,we always win of course we're just so much better(please note smug look) but always a lot of blood left on the ice.:hihi: :hihi: :D

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They are there to teach you buggers how to play cricket.

Sorry fozzy, couldn't hold it back anymore, at least it makes the thread a little bigger.


Is this where I play the "I AM SCOTTISH" card which I conveniently forgot to produce in the summer of 95...



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well im off to perth new job $28 an hour ,time and a half overtime ,rate double time on sat,warm weather cold beer what else could i want..no council tax either utility bills about $80 per quarter.and if i do need to come back for any reason its only a day away.

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I like the sun as well as the next guy, and we get plenty of it here,but I look out my window at the snow and kind of glad to have that season too.


You can do that as well in Australia and I might add go hiking in the mountains without fear of being attacked by bears, wolves, mountain cats etc.

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You only need to look at the type of English person who emigrates to Australia to see the obvious [deficencies] of the place.


Mattski, this uncultured pearl noticed that your spelling of deficiencies is incorrect.

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Is this where I play the "I AM SCOTTISH" card which I conveniently forgot to produce in the summer of 95...




Good on yer fozzie, glad the English humour is still alive & well there, that's why people really like Britain, the Brits know how to laugh at themselves.

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Good on yer fozzie, glad the English humour is still alive & well there, that's why people really like Britain, the Brits know how to laugh at themselves.



ENGLISH humour!!!! FFS


You and me Skip are going to fall out...LOL



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