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10 Reasons The Uk is Better To Live In Than Australia

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Biggest load of tripe that I have ever heard, in the 70's yes, you would have been right, but not today, a lot of people did return to the UK, but a lot also came back here, as for the bands, I know from personal experience that they get frazzled from their off stage adventures with the opposite sex rather than performing & travelling.

The bit about motorbikes is a load of Boll###s too, all my family & a few old mates have been out here on holidays & wish they had come with us in 1970 now, I see many pommies here on holidays and they love the place & don't want to go home.

I returned to Sheffield in 1990 & couldn't get back here quick enough, this was the best 10 quid I ever spent.



Well said:thumbsup: - and I had a lot more than 10 pounds to pay - but wouldn't move back.


I am due to visit in april this year - first time I have been back since coming out to Oz - going back to see family - not the place. Saying that - there are some nice places still left there - so it isn't all doom and gloom. Just a personal choice - and I chose here:)

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If Australia is so great why are there so many Australians living in the UK?


I heard a statistic that said there are so many young Austrailans here on expired visas, especially in London, that they are one of the biggest groups of illegal immigrants in the UK.


I think you will find that many young Aussies are visiting or staying with family, or looking at the place mum & dad used to call home.

I know of a few kids that went for a holiday & decided to work & stay for a while longer, they had duel citizenship, Don't worry muddy, they will be back after spending a few winters there.

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My son spent a year out there and thoroughly enjoyed it but says that he wouldn't want to move there. He now has a fancy for New Zealand as he met a lot of Kiwis whilst he was in Australia and says that they are far nicer folk than Australians.


It's a standing joke here crookesey, there are more Kiwi's in the Sydney area than there are in New Zealand.

One has to get out of the cities to meet the fair dinkum aussies, I've found them to be very friendly & helpful, like any other nationality, there's good and bad in every nation.

I met a few drop kicks on my last visit to Sheffield, I don't class everyone as being in the same boat as the few I met, as I know better.

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can you add to them at all


1. The ability to travel through continental Europe

4. Our music scene


Sorry fozzie, I've been avoiding your question, these are the only things that I agree with so far.

As for a number 10, I would have to say that I've missed a proper game of football, perhaps Rangers & Celtic, all we get here is rugby league/union or the ariel ping pong that they play down in Victoria, it's funny to think that some of the best footballers in England are Aussies & the game isn't that popular here, unless the Aussie team are playing.

As for banana's, they are back on the shelves again, I paid a $1-90 a kilo today & they are proper banana's, 10 inches long & beautiful.

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I don't know if memory serves me right or not, but wasn't Guelph the home of a couple of big time Automobile plants like GM or Ford? I think its also the birthplace of Bobby Orr.


Bobby Orr dad died couple of days ago ,Don Cherry listed bobby Orr home town as Parry Sound ??but you wouldn't know fm me i have to bow to better knowledge

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Just to add to this thread.

If Australia is so great why are there so many Australians living in the UK?


I heard a statistic that said there are so many young Austrailans here on expired visas, especially in London, that they are one of the biggest groups of illegal immigrants in the UK.

If England is so Great ,why are there so many Poms living in Australia,the only place to be Mate

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