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Aston Ponds & Clown Ponds Fishing in the 60's and 70's


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As a child my first introduction to fishing was at Aston and Clown ponds and I could on public transport as a young teenager go with friends, also Dam Flask for trout out of the normal season. Can any one else remember those days

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Hi owdlad, thanks fo the reply as I now live in Scotland the fishing rules are different up here we do not have a lience we can fish any Fresh Water Loch which there are many, and any salt Lock with usualy no charge, but rivers we can only fish with a day,week or yearly permit. I am just getting to grips with Fly Fishing it's great.



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I used to fish Clowne ponds in the 60's, in fact they are not much different now, apart from the price of course.


I also don't have to worry about walking round to catch the number three bus back home at night :)


Hi Owdlad - used to go there regular on a sunday in the early sixties. The owner was a guy called Sibring - do you remember him watching what you were up to thro binoculars from the little store down at the entrance? He too stocked the pond with trout so you could fish all year round. My brother once fell into the pond off the shuttle at the far end. I think it was the outlet but had a small stone jetty with wooden planks on it that jutted out a few feet. Used to be lots of gudgeon (spelling?) moving around in small shoals around the edges - couldn't get them to bite on nothing! Do you know if anyone ever fished off the island that was just by the boathouse?

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Did all those three myself. Remember catching my first and only Crucian Carp at Clowne on cheese paste. Also some nice sized Bream at Aston. Used to go also to the Lido pond at Wingerworth near Chesterfield, there were a lot of good sized Tench in there. You had to watch out though for the horses that roamed around the pond, if you weren't looking they would nick your pack up!

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I don't know how many of you guys are aware that the real name of Clowne Pond is Harlesthorpe Dam. I never did fish the small pond on the left side of the road as you walked in from the bus depot. Wonder why the dam was built in the first place - drinking water source? Doe anyone have any history on it??

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Hi Owdlad - used to go there regular on a sunday in the early sixties. The owner was a guy called Sibring - do you remember him watching what you were up to thro binoculars from the little store down at the entrance? He too stocked the pond with trout so you could fish all year round. My brother once fell into the pond off the shuttle at the far end. I think it was the outlet but had a small stone jetty with wooden planks on it that jutted out a few feet. Used to be lots of gudgeon (spelling?) moving around in small shoals around the edges - couldn't get them to bite on nothing! Do you know if anyone ever fished off the island that was just by the boathouse?


The Sibrings still own it as far as I know Mick,and his spying on people stopped a lot from using the ponds, well that and the fact that he was snidey!


The Island is still used by people who want to fish without having their tackle trampled on by the "has tha caught owt" brigade. That was always the danger on the little pond where you only had a narrow walkway around the back of the pond.

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I first went to fish Clown in the late 60's it was there i caught my first pike some 1 foot long,:(

a lot of years later and due to my involvement with angling and also the business side of it.

I got to know Derick and his wife Carole and though they were called by many, i found them ok.

Derick used to have a maggot farm some years ago and he used to wholesale to the fishing tackle shops.

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