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Aston Ponds & Clown Ponds Fishing in the 60's and 70's


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i remember the dobberman dog at the farm,terrified my mate,old billy the water bailiff,i think it was 5/- to fish in the early 70's,caught my first monster pike of 6 pounds in there :hihi:


i fished clown back in the sixtys seventys catched some briliant carp up to 15lb on floating bread near the old boat house . also i had some huge catches of bream fishing of the scuttle at the far end of lake. you had asix to eight ft longer reachover all the other fishermen sixty to seventy yard which in them days was a long cast all on bread or sweet corn . happy days and lots of pleasent menories. i also went rogers pond my uncle worked for them./ sid dewsnap. had sum nice rudd golden orfe

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One of my earliest memories is with my dad and his friends driving to clowne to go fishing. My older brother, myself and another lad went off round the dam. There were two or three boats sunk on the edge we walked out along the edge of one of the boats holding onto a tree branch. Suddenly the boat moved I fell in. I was probably 5 or 6 my brother about 8 or 9. Early fifties I guess.

When we got back to my dad we did a runner because they weren't catching anything and the bailiff was coming round for the money.

I've just remembered another occasion maybe same place my dad finding a dead chicken and hanging it from a tree, so the maggots would fall in the water when he shook the branch.

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Hi Owdlad - used to go there regular on a sunday in the early sixties. The owner was a guy called Sibring - do you remember him watching what you were up to thro binoculars from the little store down at the entrance? He too stocked the pond with trout so you could fish all year round. My brother once fell into the pond off the shuttle at the far end. I think it was the outlet but had a small stone jetty with wooden planks on it that jutted out a few feet. Used to be lots of gudgeon (spelling?) moving around in small shoals around the edges - couldn't get them to bite on nothing! Do you know if anyone ever fished off the island that was just by the boathouse?

Surely you did'nt expect them to bite on nothing [sorry just a pun]

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I think most of us from South Yorkshire have fished at Clown and Aston Ponds together with Dam Flask and Rivlen as kids.

Then there was Torksey what happy days.

Clown was a great place we used to catch the Green Bus East Midland if I remember.

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  • 1 month later...
There ought to be a fishing section in Sheffield Sport and Activities on

SF, seeing that Sheffield is, or used to be, fishing mad - how's about it?


I agree with you let it happen.It would be good if all the people who had a fondness for Clown from the past days had 1 day a year to meet and re live the memories of this place and fish.

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  • 10 months later...

Just found this site after leaving Aston in 75'.

I and some mate 'lived' around Aston ponds and I was taught to catch fish there uing a reed, matchstick,discarded line and sometimes bent pins and a worm.

We were often chased out of the top 4 ponds as they were private; the bottom two were public.

I recall climbing to the tops of trees on summer days next to the top pond and watching the tench basking among the lilly pads, always trying to figure out how to catch one (never did).

We also used to get stacks of fresh water mussels by putting a reed in the mouths of the mussels and pulling out of the sedament on the bottom. Good memories...sorry to bore you all.

ps: I was on the front of the Star when a couple of ponds were poluted in about 72/3' and all the fish were wiped out! sounds like they are very differnt now.


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Mark , you do indeed know me , i lived on nickerwood , i had twin sister's and a cousin called John , not only did we enjoy many hours at Aston ponds , we also used to make trollies for riding down pit lane at break neck speed (happy days)

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