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I know some of you guys on here go to this place, and is it Jay KD whoruns it? Anyways, i was just wondering what a typical class would entail?


In particular the CFA classes, how intensive are they and what method of self-defense it employs. Is it more of a boxing/grappling hybrid or does it incorporate counters, blocks etc.


I have become very unfit overthe last year orso and am looking for something to help me keep fit also. Thought CFAmight ticklemy fancy although groundwork is quite new to me:)


Anyways, any info would be grand. Plus, are the people who go massive UFC type blokes? I am only a shortarse :(




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I can't speak for this place, however every martial arts class I have ever been to requires insurance to be paid. However, this is usually only applicable after a provisional period. So, if this place is the same (which I suspect is the case), you would pay insurance if you want to become a member and train regularily.


It is similar if you were a member of a health gym, you would be able to go to the free taster days, but would have to have insurance/membership if you became a regular.


However, I can't speak on behalf of this martial arts centre as I am not a member/organiser.

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Although I do not train with Mark due to having commitments that clash with his classses. I have spoken to Mark at length and watched several of his classes. He is an excellent instructor and runs a very profesional centre. ( I have over 20 years experience in the martial arts so know what to look for !)

Insurance is the absolute norm and I wouldn`t train at a club where it was not mandatory.

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