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What do you miss from before THEY arrived?

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Personal space (not having a permanant clingon when theres another sofa and a chair to sit on)


Being able to go for a wee without having to tell anyone (If I dont then there is a cry of where are you mum etc)


10 mins peace and quiet


GMTV as opposed to Blues Clues and Little Bear


Theres too many to list :P

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for me its being able to go shopping without worrying about tantrums! Mini was quite bad but is settling down. i avoid taking her shopping now and have to squeaze it in when i can!


But everything else in life is pretty much the same:D

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I tried to think but theres nothing! Ive been a parent for so long now (21 years) that Ive forgotten that I had a life prior to 1986!


me to cant rememebr owt before 86, but i miss makin a nice tea, having nice smelly oils in bath, lighting candles, puttin music on and "cuddling" then wot ever :D


now its make tea sup 2 bottles wine kids find sumert they "NEED " to watch then its silly oclock and me n hims to tired.....................


i ant got a granny perm yet tho so praps all hopes not lost :hihi:

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i miss forgetting about dinner and going out for a curry when we get hungry at 1am. i miss drinking too much 9which i now don't do because i know i'll be up 5hrs earlier than i'd like to be the following morning. i miss flopping down catatonically on teh sofa when i get in from work (now i have to be perky and sort out babybaby's dinner/play/nappy).


however, for the first time yesterday, babybabychickens grinned like a gummy fool and put her arms up to be picked up (she must have learnt this from the other children) when i went to get her from nursery, and barely stopped grinning all evening, and it was the most fantastic thing ever. i'd happily give up curry and beer for the occasional being-wanted-by-babybaby session.

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