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What do you miss from before THEY arrived?

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It all seems such a long time ago, but yes the sleep and not being able to do anything without preparing like it was a military opperation and constantly carrying a bag of stuff. Not getting lie ins and not going out together very often.


Thankfully i am coming out the other end of it now, and am amazed that i can just say i'm going out for a beer and i have time to myself, it is just what do i do with it??


I was only mad enough to have the one though ;) and he does keep telling me to behave and not forget when i tell him off that it will be him that puts me in a home. Horrible child i have :D

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I'm completely put off now :hihi: .. I don't think I could ever give up alot of the things mentioned here.. does that make me a bad person?! :confused:


I need so much peaceful chill out time to cope with normal everyday life I can't imagine not having that space and having WAY more to deal with into the bargain! Just the lack of sleep would kill me... I need 8 hours or else I can't function!


No it doesn't make you a bad person, lol. It makes you normal.


Best to know about it all beforehand though, and even then it's a HUGE shock when it actually happens. I knew what to expect intellectually, and had plenty of experience with children, but I found it really hard.


Still, they're so worth it, you find that as much as you miss those things, you wouldn't trade having your child for any amount of sleep, spontaneity, and 'normal' tv. (Most of the time)...

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I'm completely put off now :hihi: .. I don't think I could ever give up alot of the things mentioned here.. does that make me a bad person?! :confused:


I need so much peaceful chill out time to cope with normal everyday life I can't imagine not having that space and having WAY more to deal with into the bargain! Just the lack of sleep would kill me... I need 8 hours or else I can't function!


Trust me, the first time you hold your firstborn in your hands, nothing else will matter, that changed me as a person, so completely, there isn't anything i would not do for my 2, they are my life, and when you have a child you will understand in an instant!!!

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  • 3 years later...

A tidy house

Being able to have a convo with my fiance before 7pm (kids bedtime)

Toilet privacy

Not too bothered about going out but being able to go dancing would be nice - a hobby of mine which went down the toilet as soon as my first turned 1!

Being able to be ill when i'm ill and feel sorry for myself lol

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I guess the only thing I REALLY miss is, (apart from my figure) is my independence.

I really miss going to work and earning my own money.


I also miss the pride I used to have in myself. Hair and make-up was always immaculate.

I know theres nothing stopping me now, but, I just sometimes think, "Bleeeeaaaarrrgghh whats the point???!!!"

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going in the bath on my own,

not been followed upstairs to the toilet,

been able to go out with friends without tryin to find a baby sitter

having ME time!!

been able to stay in bed till I wanted to get up, instead of kacii waking up at midnight & then at 6am Grrr


but i suppose i wouldnt change it, coz kacii is my world love her to bits

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