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Originally posted by "DaBouncer"


I can't see many parents wanting/allowing their kids to be escorted to school in the weather I described.

Many mums do because they have no choice, no car or no far enough to catch the bus, its only the mums who have access to cars don,t walk there kids to school.

The rain would,nt hurt them either but you will never educate them to not take there cars, unless you make them pay.

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I still reckon the way to go is a government funded school bus system.

They say our kids 'have to' go to school.

Well if want em to, you pay for em to!


Put on the big yellow buses you cheap government fat cats!

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During my time at Comp 1970/75 we were issued a bus pass which allowed us to get on two buses of our choice for free.

In my case i got the 47 to Firthpark then the number 4 to wincobank.

They had a time limit so you could not use them all day nor could you use them at weekends.

They were issued once a year and each pass was a different colour every year.

Not sure when they stopped this, would,nt be suprised if it was Thatcher but this would cut a lot of congestion with parents knowing they got a free bus service.

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Originally posted by "DaBouncer"


...Tories were the same. And I just added in the Lib-Dem before you gave me more of your immense knowledge which just reads to me as 'blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah' :headbang:


That almost sounds like an insult, but I'm not sure so unless you (or anyone else) care(s) to elucidate, I'm not touching it.[/img]

It's not an insult... just an observation that your posts are like epics and full of big words I don't understand so I don't bother to read em anymore.

To me it's just a big mass of BLAH!


(nice and short)


takes a second. It's not the OED but it gives an adequate definition of most words, I have found it very useful.


That's the first thing I do when I come across a word I don't understand. Look it up.


And you're saying I have immense knowledge? Well, I guess I'm flattered but you are wrong. I try to spend as much time with other people who do though, in the hope some of it rubs off. And you know what? It does.

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Originally posted by "Internetowl"


just to put my oar in. for the last two weeks whilst the kids have been off school, the roads have been 100% easier. I note today that the roads aren't too bad even without the mainline buses...so perhaps its the buses that cause the problem.


Whenever you see a queue of traffic, its always fronted by a mainline or private bus spewing dirt out into the atmosphere, yet motorists get the blame for pollution. Try testing a bus for once?




All motor vehicles spew dirt.


In the mornings in sheffield, you will frequently see queues and queues of cars with one person in each, and buses full to the brim.


the sums are pretty conclusive


60 bus passengers - 1 diesel engine. 40 linear feet of roadspace

60 Car passengers - 60 petrol and diesel engines nearly 1000ft of roadspace.


So I think it would be fair to say that buses are a vast improvement over cars in terms of both pollution and road congestion (and road safety). Motorists (and I am one) quite properly get the blame for motor vehicle pollution because they cause most of it.

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Originally posted by "t020"


To be fair though, a lot of the buses on the roads are VERY old and noisy, and if they had their emmissions checked out I'm sure they'd be astronomical.


One way to get their emissions checked is to report them to the Vehicle Pollution Inspectorate on 0113 288 7818.


We can do our little bit to make the world better.

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Originally posted by "Phanerothyme"



(nice and short)


takes a second. It's not the OED but it gives an adequate definition of most words, I have found it very useful.


That's the first thing I do when I come across a word I don't understand. Look it up.


And you're saying I have immense knowledge? Well, I guess I'm flattered but you are wrong. I try to spend as much time with other people who do though, in the hope some of it rubs off. And you know what? It does.

Fairy Snuff... I will have to keep that one on file!

Look if it aint in Roger's Profanisaurus... it aint worth lookin up! :P

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Originally posted by "t020"


To be fair though, a lot of the buses on the roads are VERY old and noisy, and if they had their emmissions checked out I'm sure they'd be astronomical.


To be fair to the bus companies, even though they're not saints, they have been steadily replacing the old rickety things with nice modern ones. There are a lot fewer blacksmoking doubledeckers around than there were when I first moved to sheffield.


And surely buses must have MOT which includes emission tests.


My diesel passed an emission test, which was amazing considering the amount of smokey exhaust. But visible smoke just means particulates.


A lot of the most dangerous pollutants are invisible gases like carbon monoxide and N02, which are the things that help make that nice yellow fug you can see hovering over sheffield centre on a still and sunny afternoon.

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A lot of the most dangerous pollutants are invisible gases like carbon monoxide and N02, which are the things that help make that nice yellow fug you can see hovering over sheffield centre on a still and sunny afternoon.


Mmm...nice. Weren't we the cleanest industrial city in Europe once upon a time?

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