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Do you know my mum she is going to be 60?

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Hi probably a shot in the dark but found Sheffield Forum helpful so far.


My mum is going to be 60 on 24 April this year and I wondered if anyone on here remembers her.


She is called Gillian Warsop (now Nockall) and lived on Spinkhill Road, Richmond, S13 and went to Brook and Stradbrook Schools I think.


It would be great to hear from anyone who knew her.


I hope she is not registered on here because she will kill me for this!!


Thanks a lot.

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  • 7 months later...

Hiya Izabellamary


Yes I knew your MUm - I lived next door to her for years - from 1950 to when I got married in 1968 - she will know me and my family: Pat, Len, Tony and Alan - and my mother and dad Ivy and Len.


I am almost 62 now and I think I ama year older than your Mum - say hello to her for me and send me a message back to ecrookes@wendrick.co.uk


Take care always


Eric Crookes

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Hi Izabellamary,


I'm afraid I don't know your mum; out of my time frame as I'm 68, but I was at Woodthorpe school in the 1940's with a David Warsop. I can remember where he lived on the Woodthorpe Estate but sadly I have forgotten the road names. I lived in Richmond. Any relation?



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Hi Mike (and Izzabellemarie) - David is Gillian's brother and he is probably about 65 now a couple of years older than me - there was abig family of Warsops living next door to us - Brenda, Gordon, Norma, Thelma, David, Pamela and Gillian - I think I've got them all and I think their parents were Jessie and Kenneth though I couldn't be sure about that.


I went to Woodthorpe School from about 1950 to 1957 and then I went on to Brook Secondary.


Keep in touch


Eric Crookes

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Hi Eric,


Many thanks for your clarification. I was at Woodthorpe infants' and juniors' between 1944 and 1950 after which I moved on to Nether Edge Grammar. David was in my class, ergo he will be the same age as me - 68.


I left Sheffield in 1959 when I joined the RAF and have never had any contact with anybody I knew at Woodthorpe. My sister was there six years after me and like you, she went on to Brooke. She still lives in Sheffield and posts regularly on this forum so it is possible that she will see this and remember your name.





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