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Ride outs in Sheffield

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Originally posted by Cols

I could be up for it next week but I need to get an MOT and new rear tyre. Is there anywhere around that do tyres and MOT's. I could kill two birds with one stone.




Try Cusworths, they can arrange the MOT at the same time as your new sticky's are done - not sure how much they come in at, but they seem to be a tadge pricey for everything, Ive got a 10% discount card your welcome to borrow from me.



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I went to Cusworths but they said they didn't do MOT's and they didn't seem to interested in sorting mine out. They told me they took them to Wizard ?? down at the Wicker, so I'll call in there when I get chance. Anybody used Wizard - are they ok for tyres etc.

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Originally posted by Cols


I went to Cusworths but they said they didn't do MOT's and they didn't seem to interested in sorting mine out. They told me they took them to Wizard ?? down at the Wicker, so I'll call in there when I get chance. Anybody used Wizard - are they ok for tyres etc.


Sorry cols, they're a bunch of w**kers at cusworths, they can do it but prob cudnt be bothered. Wizard are ok, bought some bits from them in the past.

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You could try Hillsborough Motorcycles, it's close enough to Cusworth if distance is of consideration. Not sure about MOTs but they do tyres, at least fixed my rear flat a while back.


What is it with nails on the road etc in this country? I've had two flats in this year already.


To introduce myself, I bought a '97 BMW F650 last year to get my mind off my divorce and been riding around alone since. At the moment I'm thinking of selling since I got speedtrapped on the A629 twice in one week ... I don't have a UK license, so can't get points, so they might well drag me to the magistrates and I'm not too keen on that more than once.


I find the english speed enforcement system pretty ridiculous. The cameras are absolutely everywhere and unless you're familiar with the locality (so it seems to me), it's hard to tell if that road is a 40 or a 30 now. I got caught now twice at 38/39 respectively ... *shakes head*


That'd be £120 + 6 points if I could get points. Probably gonna be more than that eventually, which is another beef I have that the system discriminates against non-UK citizens (if they're gonna prosecute me).


Anyway, to come to a bottomline ... I'd like to attach myself to some people to ride out. Would certainly help to have some local intelligence to lead the way. If there's noone willing to take a mad austrian under their wings, I'll likely sell the bike before the summer's over :P



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Welcome to the fold. I did try Hillsborough MC's but they don't do MOT's as well. They pointed me to Wizard so I'll call in there this week. Whereabouts on the A629 did they get you. Was it a mobile site or a Gatso ? See all my previous posts about speed camera's etc.

See you on a ride out soon.


Col S

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Originally posted by Cols

Whereabouts on the A629 did they get you. Was it a mobile site or a Gatso ?

If by Gatso you mean those yellow boxes, then the latter. That's pretty much my point ... if I know the area, then it's not really a problem. But new areas ... I just don't seem to get the rationale behind some speed zones. For instance, why is Penistone road a 30? No residential areas, schools or whatnot closeby, two to three lanes. Whatever ...


It was just out of Huddersfield both tdimes.

Got one of those w/ me still ... says A629 Wakefield Road Junction Grosvenor Road Huddersfield.

Anyway... Nothing can be done ...



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yippeeeee...the beast is back up and running. after long days of pulling hair out, kicking and punching things the bitch is running again. went through all the tech stuff, cleaning carbs, checking for loose wires, checking spark, new plugs, new battery etc etc etc. someone from one of the other forums offered to have a look at her, he went through all the stuff i had to make sure i had checked things right etc. he is a whiz with fzrs as he races them and even he was stumped.check the plugs again he said, i did , as i was putting the lead back on he said hold on , they are on wrong. it turned out the ht leads were mixed up. what i cant understand is why it ran when i bought it, and i have not swopped anything since. it is as i bought it. then it just refused to run, put the leads as they should be and she fired up.


go figure that one....


anyway a top bloke for getting her back on the road..



whens the next ride out...have a lot of catching up to do.





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Originally posted by Cols


I went to Cusworths but they said they didn't do MOT's and they didn't seem to interested in sorting mine out. They told me they took them to Wizard ?? down at the Wicker, so I'll call in there when I get chance. Anybody used Wizard - are they ok for tyres etc.


Col - noticed that performance parts on abbeydale rd/ london rd advertise MOT's and tyres, never used them but another option if you still need somewhere.



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