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Ride outs in Sheffield

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Originally posted by claycraft

Mick if you had stuck with it a few seconds longer we stopped at a pub about 50yrds down the road (hot and non alcoholic drinks only:thumbsup: ). We then carried on through Bamford, along the res, snake pass, back into town through crosspool and another short run (memory fails me exact route :? before heading back to Norton.


Good ride, enjoyed it:clap:

Thanks all.


Rob K1 GSXR.

Opps sorry mate thought you were heading home. Next time I will stop for a drink with you:thumbsup:
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Originally posted by TracieJC

OOooOOOO me tooooooo! :clap::D:hihi: *Sigh* I really should go for my motorcycle test... I did my CBT a few years ago (hmmm, thats probably invalid now too :suspect: )


Spring is such a great time for motorcycle rides :thumbsup:


Do it, you know you wanna!


I believe CBT expires after 2yrs but I'm not 100% on that one.

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Yep - it expires after 2 years - hence me having to start at Square 1 again!. I did mine with MCT at Norton - great bunch of guys and a great laugh. Troubloe is - my helmet still fits but the leathers might now be a bit tight!!!!


Have been on the back of an R1 for an hour long ride out Lincs way and back so dont know if you can get more uncomfortable than that can ya??? Pillion foot pegs def preferred tho!!!



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Originally posted by claycraft

Do it, you know you wanna!


I believe CBT expires after 2yrs but I'm not 100% on that one.


I'm digging out the phone number of a local test centre now :D (Unless anyone can recommend somewhere in particular to retake my CBT? :)


I've been mumbling about learning properly for ages... time to do sometime about it methinks :D


You joining me then MsB??? :clap:

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Hi guys and girls!

Glad everyone enjoyed it. The ridout was ace.

We DID stop at a pub, then continued for the second half of the ride!


There may well be another rideout before our next big EVENT, so keep yours peepers wide open and we'll let you know. (You can also drop us an email at globalsuperbikes@hotmail.com and we'll email you when ever there's a ride / event planned so you don't miss it).


The next event is a rideout to British Superbikes at mallory park on April 24th 2005. Meeting at 10am sharp at The Norton pub. Should be a great day!





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Hi Guys might be a bit late in the day but the forecast for tomorrow is great. I'm going to be dragging my hoss (Fazer 1000) out of the garage tomorrow for a burn Matlock, Cat & Fiddle, Squiers Milk bar or wherever anyone else out & about and fancies joining up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Many thanks to SHarper, bikertec and scanman, soon as we get another decent weekend I'll tootle off, yeah I'll be careful, not a speed freak (much), you guys take care too. I feel such a fraud when biker dudes do the nod on their R1's or ducatis - I nod back thinkin 'oo how nice, I'm just a girl though' plus I'm only on a Yam 660 tenere (aka - a tractor).

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