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Ride outs in Sheffield

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Hello there Kwakman - btw great choice in bike, just make sure you get loads of security on it, since you last rode, bike theft has shot up. Dont worry about the rust, I ride hard but never dangerous, dont/cant wheely so we just go at a pace that suits everyone.


Looks like we have enough riders for a ride out, I know I started this thread but I'm pretty cr*p at organising so if anybody wants to suggest a meeting place for Monday then feel free.


I think it best if we PM each other about meeting points/times

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Hi Dave glad u like the bike, it came down to a choice between the Kwak and yours (CBR6RR) only deciding factor was the Kwak came in about £400 cheaper. Its got a Datatool system 3 alarm fitted seems to be quite sensitive, once its set if you f**t to clse to it, it goes of.


About a meet up, I've been down the Classic Rock Bar on Ecclesall Road a few times, it sounds about right for a bike meet and they have some great musicians and music down there if you're into rock of course. What does everyone reckon? Won't be able to make it till 8:45ish though and all subject to the weather coz getting drenched on a bike just don't float my boat.

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Just seen this thread. I've only recently moved to sheffield (6wks ago). I've ridden the snake a few times... great road, but starting to become too familiar. If anyones up for going out for a ride then let me know. I've not been riding all that long, but got a decent number of miles under my belt. I've just bought a Blue Yamaha R6.

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Yipee more bikers!! Welcome JohnC, hope your finding Sheffield ok!! We've got some great roads for ride outs once you've negotiated a safe path through the pot holes on the city roads that is!!


The snake pass is good fun but be careful out there on Sundays , too many plod in bushes for my liking!


Ive been in London working for a week so dying to get out on the bike, back tomo if you fancy a tour of the peaks early in the evening?? BTW where have you moved from?



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I've not seen any rozzers on the A57 yet... been lucky I guess!


Yeah - what's going on with the roads in and around Sheffield centre, its like riding offroad!


I've just moved up from Peterborough, a couple of good roads that way, but fairly flat!


I'll be up for a ride tomorrow as long as its not raining (again!)

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