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Somebody please open a decent pub in Pitsmoor


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Obviously it's horses for courses, but unless you like your boozers really dingy, and to resemble your nan's front room after she's been on a 3 week acid, absinthe and ciggies bender, there's very little on offer. I was in the Sheaf View last week, which is a great pub. Far from poncey, but well-kept, diverse punters, and great beer. Surely a similar set-up would do really well in Pitsmoor?

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Obviously it's horses for courses, but unless you like your boozers really dingy, and to resemble your nan's front room after she's been on a 3 week acid, absinthe and ciggies bender, there's very little on offer. I was in the Sheaf View last week, which is a great pub. Far from poncey, but well-kept, diverse punters, and great beer. Surely a similar set-up would do really well in Pitsmoor?


Would you invest money in a pub in Pitsmoor

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Would you invest money in a pub in Pitsmoor


If I had money - what a thought! Yeah, why not? There's lots of nice folk with a bit of money to spend who would like somewhere as a bit of a focal point, rather than always going to the Riverside/Gardeners/Fat Cat. After all, Heeley has not always been perceived as the loveliest part of Sheffield (although I like it), and the Sheaf View is packed most nights.

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