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Funny product warnings

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My iron says: "WARNING: Do not iron clothes whilst wearing them"


The thing is, the warning's only there because some daft plank will have injured themselves while trying to iron a shirt they were wearing. Would have loved to see the nurse's face when they turned up at A&E with that injury!


LMAO, that is truly special!


I'm sure I heard about someone campaigning to have warning labels removed from things. The argument runs a liitle along the line that warning labels are interfering with the Darwinian tenet of Survival of the Fittest, and removing the labels may help to start weeding out the really stupid people again, thus saving mankind from a future of being over run by them!!:hihi: :hihi:

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On my daughter medicine that is made for children only says, Do not drive or operate machinery. maybe that one is for the young joy riders ?


On a number one 3d Birthday card my sister got last year for our one year old neice said on the back in small print, not recomended for children under 36 months.


And sleeping tablets i once took that i had to take at night said. may cause drowsiness.

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And sleeping tablets i once took that i had to take at night said. may cause drowsiness.


think they must have been the same as mine! I had some which said that!.


I also like all these different types of beer! For example Grolsh is advertised as dutch - but if you look on a bottle it's made in Burton on Trent!

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oh and this wasn't so much of a product warning but a daft sign.

We were in a caravan at Haven (Mablethorpe) and there were 2 signs next to each other, the first saying 'in case of fire contact office', the second said 'office hours 8am-5pm!'


So don't try to burn the place down after 5pm!......

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Last year, a colleague of mine succumbed to pester power and bought a Hamster for one of her children. It came complete with an instruction manual, how to feed, what religion it was, that kind of stuff but the killer was in the final paragraph of the leaflet..........'Do not place in microwave' .

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In Tesco and Co-op's Soya milk, the allergy advice sections on the back of the cartons helpfully tells you 'Contains Soya'....well I never!


I can remember reading a list of these in The Sun a few years back and one on a knife packet from Japan or Korea said 'Warning keep out of children' !!!!!

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