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Be-nice@club Shhhh Launch night


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Club Shhhh invites you to the launch night of its new Hard House and Trance night Be-nice@club Shhhhh The Club at 130 The Wicker is in our view The best underground veunue in the UK (Some Claim) We have just completed the building of 6 New loos because the rumour was right our loos were pants well no longer. We have just finshed the complete waterproofing of the caves and refurbed all the seating area, installed a DJ box and ramped up our sound syste. to celebrate this we have Local Boy Paul Maddox launching our new alnighter with Ginger Dan, Tommy K John Rush, Pyburnz and Loads more 12 til 12 Feb 10th all for a fiver Do not miss out while all the other venues seem to have stagnated Club Shhhh and its big sister Club Void will carry on re-inventing the wheel

Carl The Don

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