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Anyone got a banning order?

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As u probably guessed i am banned from football matches,i was just wondering if any one else was and if they had received there police station attendance letter yet, its just that i usually recieve it before now and the england match is next week isnt it?:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

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All things considered, being banned from football matches isn't something to be proud of; and posting just after the death of an Italian copper due to football scum, it's particularly insensitive.


These people who claim they like to fight for football, never seem to make it down to a boxing gym do they?



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Don,t you think im used to these kind of attitudes?, do any of you know why i am actually banned?,all i was doing was asking a simple question which didn,t need the comments it got, was i trying to gloryfy it, was i in italy, have i been to a match for nearly a year?

I THINK NOT!!!!!!!!!

GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSES,,and by the way ade when was the last time you saw me ?

never so don,t judge me on a two bit chatroom.

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