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Info about Meers Brook

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Hi heeled bird. Thanks for the update. Sorry my info was wrong. It was however Ian who told us this the following day. Hope you are all well. D. D.



The Downing name rings a bell, did your mother bring prescriptions into the chemist on the corner of Valley and Chesterfield Road, I know the Bailey family did as did the Street family also.

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The Meers Brook runs down from the Gleadless Valley Estate and enters a culvert by the side of the Council Tip at Blackstock Road - it reappears near to the big house on Cat Lane and continues past the bottom of the gardens of all the houses on the L.H.S. of Northcote Avenue from Cat Lane.


It enters another culvert just before where the Meersbrook garage was, at the bottom of Northcote Avenue, behind the houses nos. 2 and 4.


It then travels down Albert Road as described in the other messages.


So where is the source of it, two tributaries meet at the bridge over blackstock rd, the one flowing under the bridge goes all the way back and goes under leighton road where the far lees was and heads up towards gleadless town end, the other goes up spotswood , through the tunnel under gleadless rd and up through buck wood to arbourthorne but cannot think where it might start.

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hi meersbrook starts like from a small spring at the top of gleadless valley at the very top of herdings near were the twin tower blocks are that can be seen from many parts of the city and Derbyshire. the brook then makes it's way down he valley as it can't flow back, it works it's way down the valley throw the woods were as kids we would try to dam I but never could do it then it flows past bankwood school down towards Heeley ill it get to the bottom of heeley it then goes under the railway bridge where it meets the river sheaf and together they flow as one through to own pass ponds forge where it then joins the river don how do I know this because me and 2 mates followed it one day from it's beginning till it joined the sheaf hope this helps regards steve

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So the stream that runs down from constable rd and the back of ironside road must run into it at some point then, who defines which tributary is the source if there are several running into them because I would say this one would be the longest because it starts at norton somewhere.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 10:45 ----------


I googled meers brook and yes it has the source in gleadless, it must be behind the carlton club somewhere, there must be a lot of springs in that area as the source of the shire brook raises in the cellar of the red lion at town end and there must be another that feeds the stream from constable rd down behind ironside rd and feeds the meers brook somewhere in the woods they flow through.

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Cannot recall any stream near the tower block ( only one now), only streams I can think of are the one on constable and the one that runs down the side of leighton road, the one from constable runs down the valley below the herdings bus terminus, and the other one seems too far over the other side as it is the length of raeburn road from the terminus to leighton rd.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 11:27 ----------


Cheers pippo for that map, looking at it brought back loads of memories, played or followed them all in some form many years ago, never realised that they all flowed into the meers brook, when you are growing up you do not seem interested where they come from or go to but just that they are there.

Cannot ever remember any of them drying up even in the most prolongued dry weather spells. Used to go through the tunnels from the buck wood branch, the first went under the bottom of the gleadless hill and the other under blackstock rd coming out in woodland at the edge of bankwood school before meeting up just after the bridge.

The other tunnel is at the side of what was the far lees.

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Heeleybird I remember that morning so well the explosion woke me and scared the hell out of me! I lived near the Nag where maxons is (Albert road entrance) I did speak to the son who lived at the house when the explosion happend a few years ago .........it was good talikng to him he explained the whole thing....................I think it was Ian.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 19:33 ----------


HI Duffems, No I,m not one of the Baileys although I new them all well, I lived in the old tannery (Arthington Buildings ) No 3 Downing family only me left now



---------- Post added 06-09-2013 at 19:18 ----------



HI Maxiesmum cant place you or the dog, but yes we were always paddling in the dam on the Sheaf, I served my apprenticship at Tyzack sons and Turners

from 67 to about 73. Dave


I was born in 1954 so there is a difference in our age I lived at the top of what was was known as the "field" which ended up with garages on it! My name is Pat and my dog was Mickey.


---------- Post added 31-07-2014 at 19:40 ----------


For future reference for others, this sort of information on culverted watercourses is available.


Most smaller buried streams have been recorded by Sheffield City Council. I know, they have kindly provided me with maps for my research.


Yorkshire Water have a copy of these in digital form, which they can find on their computerised map system called "Odyssey". Finding a way in to get someone to find it for you can be difficult.


The Environment Agency teamed up with the Ordnance Survey to produce something called the Detailed River Network. This is a digital map of watercourses, including the routes of buried ones (i.e. more than you can see just from normal OS maps). The local office should be able to help you with this, though you may have to ask to visit them to see it, or get a print out.



are you John, Mick or Earnest? I am the same age as Emily!

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Duffems. Bit late with this post (about eight months). Everyone took prescriptions to larders My mum only had one arm, her left one missing below the elbow. The streets lived below us with Bill Wray. And we're our family's best friends many holidays spent together in Blackpool and Yarmouth. We all knew each other in those days Baileys Bridons Banks And many others.

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Hi Duffems. Bit late with this post (about eight months). Everyone took prescriptions to larders My mum only had one arm, her left one missing below the elbow. The streets lived below us with Bill Wray. And we're our family's best friends many holidays spent together in Blackpool and Yarmouth. We all knew each other in those days Baileys Bridons Banks And many others.


We went to school with Bob Banks and the Baileys. I worked in Larders Chemists until 1970 when I married and moved away, small world.


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