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Huntsman gardens school.


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Hi Barrie


Did you live at 25 Britnall St? If so then you will know Gerald Bailey. I have recently met up with Gerald again after 50 years and only yesterday I took him on a tour of the new Attercliffe housing development in that area. Perhaps you'd like to make contact.

I'm Ron Fletcher.

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Hello Hillsbro


That is absolutely fantastic. I am presuming that this was around the beginning of World War 2. 13 and 15 Britnall Street were hit by incendiary bombs and were razed to the ground. I was living at No.17 at the time but moved to No.13 after the two houses had been refurbished towards the end of the war.


I left Huntsmans Gardens in1948 to go to the Central Technical School.


Brilliant! Many thanks

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Hi Ron - glad that I could re-awaken a few memories! I had noticed the gap from 11 to 17 and wondered if the two houses had been bombed or just were empty when the 1942 directory was compiled (autumn 1941). I don't know how far back your memory of people in Britnall Street goes, but here is a similar scan from the 1925 directory that I also happen to have. I also have a 1968 directory in this is of interest.


The picturesheffield.com site has a few photos of the area taken prior to demolition - here is one example and here is a photo of the school..:)


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Those pics are fantastic and i only wish that I had had the foresight to take similar ones prior to demolition. I would like the link for the 1968 directory if you don't mind as my parents would still be resident at No.13.


Thanks once again!



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Those pics are fantastic and i only wish that I had had the foresight to take similar ones prior to demolition...
I know just what you mean Ron. I grew up in Dykes Hall Road and have clear memories of the area but hardly any photos. A couple of years ago a Forummer wanted to know what the area around No 98 looked like. I have a clear picture in my mind of the two-up-two-down houses (especially as it was opposite the Castle Inn and No 100 was the chip shop) but nobody seems to have any photos, and the houses in that area were all demolished in 1974.


Here's a scan from the 1968 directory. Regards, Philip

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