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Cyclops Street in the 1920s

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Hi IVANDARRELL Second time doing this, is'nt it maddening when it does'nt go through. I think I remember the 'Dunns' moving into Cyclops st. Some of the other names are not ringing bells, I seem to remember 'Stocks' who had some older lads,older than me at the time. The 'Pickerings' lived in what was once a butchers shop store front with a house attached, situated at the corner of Botham St, when you talk large family, theirs was large, 13 kids as I recall. When you talk about pigeon fanciers, there were a lot about at that time. 'Peter Gill' who lived on Botham St North, kept pigeons on the spare ground behind his house. In the 'Butler' family I was closer in age to 'Shirley' than the other kids. Ta Ta for now.


Regarding the Stocks, I remember, Billy, Jonathon, Angela,and they had an older brother called Jimmy, who was something to do with a bookmaker, and he drove an old Austin of England car.

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dido what number cyclops st did you live at


I think you are Darryl Allen, if so I dont think you will remember me. I was born in no 56, but only lived there for 5 years, and then was wisked away to another Star System, only to be returned 5 years later, about 1950. You will probably remember two of my sisters, Ann and Beverly Dyson.

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dido did you live in the first house on right hand side going up


The first house on the right hand side past Margate St, next door to the Knowles family. I the same yard as David Prosser, Mick Sharman, and the Suckleys.

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dido did not get thar right did i now i know you livde next to pete knowes did jean dunn live there at sometime


She may have done after we left. I try and find out from her sister Susan, if I can find her phone no. She has just moved house and she has got a new tel no, I will let you know.

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She may have done after we left. I try and find out from her sister Susan, if I can find her phone no. She has just moved house and she has got a new tel no, I will let you know.

dido are you called paul you lived next to your nan

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