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The Wasp Factory - by Iain Banks.


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Has anyone read a book called “The Wasp Factory” by Iain Banks?


I read this book many years ago, it received some mixed reviews due to its frank depiction of extreme violence but even today I can remember what an exceptionally well written book it was, everything that happens in the novel had a part to play.


The dry sardonic wit of the main character as he goes about his gothic fantasy world killing his relatives was shockingly different, his fatalistic attitude when his little fantasy world is threatened by the approaching menace of his mad brother and the many other surreal scenes makes this book extraordinarily memorable.


If you haven’t read it already I would highly recommend it, as would The Independent as they rate it as one of the top 100 books of the 20th Century.


Has anybody else read it? If so what did you think of it?


(PS If discussed don’t spoil the ending for the folks who haven’t read it yet. :wink:)

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I'm pretty sure I saw a stage production of it as well that was very effective.


Blimey, I bet the RSPCA were on standby that night!


Just found this on T'internet:


IAIN BANKS will be discussing THE WASP FACTORY at BBC Bush House, London on Thursday 1st March 2007


Every month, Harriett Gilbert chairs a studio discussion with an internationally acclaimed author talking about one of their best known books, on BBC World Service Radio


If you’ve read The Wasp Factory and would like to join the studio audience and/or ask Iain Banks a question about the novel, email: worldbookclub@bbc.co.uk or telephone: 0207 557 1619


Writing group trip to London anyone?

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Loved it. Was your chaper two based on that style?


I have read most of his stuff - well except the sci fi, which is not my thing. If you like that check out Will Self's **** and Bull, good twisted stuff too. Oh yeah, and Patrick Mcabe's Butcher Boy another weird one:)

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The thing that makes his brother snap was the thing that got to me the most.


It's an excellent read and reading this thread makes me want to re-read it now. A superb novel that is so beyond anythign I could imagine, thats what makers me respect it so much really.



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