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Playing "Tiggy"


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We'd say "queens", when playing tiggy in the 1960s and 70's. (same thing, though)


We played all sorts of tiggy-games:-


tiggy-off-t'ground (you couldn't be "tigged" if you were above ground level ie on a step or a wall...)


tiggy lamppost (if you got "tigged" you had to stad with your arms out, and your legs splayed - like doing star-jumps- and had to be freed by someone crawling through your legs!)


tiggy-ball... speaks for itself:- you had to hit someone with a thrown tennis ball, in order to "tig" them. quite hard to do when they were running about! lol)


can anyone remember any other versions of "Tig"? I'm sure


We would play tiggy house-brick on the Wybourn.

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It was crossed fingers and "kings" for us, and we also played T"iggy Off Ground" and "Tiggy Lampost", plus "Tiggy Hospital", which was where you had to hold the part that you hade been "tug" on, example; if the person that was on "tug" you on the arm, you had to chase the others while holding your arm. Of course we all tried to tig people on the arse!!!!

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