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Playing "Tiggy"


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In the 50s, for tiggy, we used to say "kings" and hold up our hands with fingers crossed for time out, sometimes in another game, we said "fainites". When my daughter was little in the 80s I seem to remember they said "jinx" or "jinks".


Did anyone play Jacks or Five Stones, and can remember the rules? We got some plastic ones in the crackers last year and couldn't remember how to play!

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It was crossed fingers and "kings" for us, and we also played T"iggy Off Ground" and "Tiggy Lampost", plus "Tiggy Hospital", which was where you had to hold the part that you hade been "tug" on, example; if the person that was on "tug" you on the arm, you had to chase the others while holding your arm. Of course we all tried to tig people on the arse!!!!


There was a News report yesterday about a school whose headteacher had banned all games of chase and tag in the playground!

This was done to protect the children from injury!

Apparently some children had been injured during these type of games.

The children were also told not to touch each other for a while,in order that they could get used to it!

Bonkers if you ask me!

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There was a News report yesterday about a school whose headteacher had banned all games of chase and tag in the playground!


I also read that she considered that far from allowing them to work off excess energy, the rough games and chase they were playing actually worked them up more and made them over excited.


There won't be anything allowable for children to do soon but sit indoors kicking their shoes against the chair legs, poor little things.

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We used to play at Statues where everyone dances around whilst someone sings.When the singing stopped we all froze,and a winner was chosen.

It must have been lovely for the parents watching the children playing in the street,and listening to the songs and happy laughter.

I hated it when we played hide and seek,and nobody came to tell you when the game was over!

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Tiggy Fever anyone?


It was your standard tiggy-type game, but the kid who was 'on' was said to have 'fever' - and of course, it could be passed on simply by touching someone else. Fortunate for us that bird flu isn't (yet) so virulent.


To protect yourself, you could kind of poke yourself in the upper arm and claim 'injection' - or better still, 'double injection, no fever!'.

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Tiggy Fever anyone?


It was your standard tiggy-type game, but the kid who was 'on' was said to have 'fever' - and of course, it could be passed on simply by touching someone else. Fortunate for us that bird flu isn't (yet) so virulent.


To protect yourself, you could kind of poke yourself in the upper arm and claim 'injection' - or better still, 'double injection, no fever!'.


Yes, I remember that one Damon. Only the 'fever' was 'germs' from one of the supposed 'poorer families' of your village or estate. If you were 'on' you would touch somebody else and before they had time to respond, shout "xxxxxxx ('poor family' surname) - injected".


With the hindsight of 35 years or so, how cruel was that!?!?

Wouldn't imagine they play this game nowadays.......?

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Tiggy Fever anyone?


It was your standard tiggy-type game, but the kid who was 'on' was said to have 'fever' - and of course, it could be passed on simply by touching someone else. Fortunate for us that bird flu isn't (yet) so virulent.


To protect yourself, you could kind of poke yourself in the upper arm and claim 'injection' - or better still, 'double injection, no fever!'.


We used to shout lurgy:D

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Now who will end it with a smack?



Eeny meeny mackeracker, hum pum packeracker - can't remember any more


Eeny meany mackeracker air I domanaker pomoerlairmgig all the men that hadnohair generally wore a wig.



We used to play corner bus, whoever was on stood on the corner of the road(bottom of the the lump) and the others stood on the other corner, then when a bus or car appeared the one who was on had to run up the hill to the other corner while all the rest run to hide, then they had to be found, and if the one who was on beat them back to the corner then they were on.

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Wasn't there an elimination for 'it' that required everyone to put a foot in to make a circle, then 'whose shoes are the cleanest ...'?

and In dip tation how many cats went to the station / close your eyes and think / the person landed on would give a number which would be counted out and the final one would be eliminated, and so it would continue. We must have spent as much time deciding who was 'on' as playing the game.

Did anyone play Donkey? You threw a ball on to a wall then had to jump over it when it bounced. If you didn't manage it you had to shout D when it was your next turn going through O-N-K-E-Y when every one jumped on your back.

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