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Can any one help? Looking for dance lessons for an unconfident beginner

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i'd love to do some dancing lessons but im a larger ladie so feel to awkward as they probly be thin and fit! Id like to do some exercise to lose weight and love dancing! Any way ifany one knows of a class where there are bigger people please please let me know.

Thanks every one who replies :P

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I'm fancying doing some kind of dance class for a laugh as well as getting fit too. i have no rhythm what so ever. I nearly went along to belly dancing but was ill and now i think i'll be too far behind everyone else. i need a definate BEGINNERS class. there must be something out there for us.


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Hiya all,

WOW i cant belive any one replied! Thank u i thoght it was just me who wanted to this kinda of thing! Any way responding to liedon thats great and thanks for ur help but its a very long way for me and have no car so if you have any thing closer to town or any one out there knows of any thing that would be amazing!!

Thank you again for your replies!!

Will keep looking! cheers all

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I can really recommend Belly Dancing!

It can be a positive advantage to be a bit 'larger' and the classes are usually pretty relaxed - its not really done as a course, so it doesn't matter if you drop into a class half way through the year. I teach it in Hillsborough - my classes are filled with women of all ages, shapes and sizes (I'm a size 22, by the way). My own personal experience has been that over time it has helped me be far more confident and relaxed in my own body and kept me pretty fit.


Give it a whirl - or check out the resource site 'wiggle' dot org dot uk for more info about it




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Really should have put some class details on, shouldn't I!


to the best of my knowledge, current bellydance classes that I am aware of:

Konnie - the Max Fitness centre Walkley, Mon & Weds 7-8pm, Saturday mornings, not sure of time.

Lianne - Crookesmoor Community centre, Thurs, 7.45-8.45pm

Boomshanka Tribal - Hartley Street project, Heeley, Thurs 6.45 - 8.15pm

Lynne - Woodhouse Workout - I think Tuesdays?

Me - Tues Hillsboro Leisure Centre, Thurs Memorial Hall, (bottom of) Walkley Lane, both 7-8pm

Suspect there are probably more - anyone fill in the blanks?




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cis h !and i hope the other ladies who looked at this thought this was helpful but theres is no way i could get my belly out think lol.

If any one has got any thing more like contempory, street, hip hop or ballroom sort of dances please reply.

Thank you all once again for ur replys

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you don't have to get your belly out - I didn't for years! lots of people just wear a T shirt. I do get mine out now (theres an improvement in confidence for you, 'cos its not flat by any stretch of the imagination!) but I also have some gorgeous dresses for dancing in (one thing about doing this - you do get to wear some fantastic frocks/costumes!).


Not meaning to sound as if I am nagging you to try it - more of a public service announcement for anyone who might have the same doubts - Belly Dance is really more concentrated in the hips than the belly. The name comes partly because when the dance was first seen in the West it was shocking to see women dancing using their hips/torso, when western dance focused more on the limbs and western women were fastened tightly into corsets and couldn't move like that if they wanted to. It could also be a corruption of the word 'Beledi' Arabic for 'of the country' - when western explorers asked Middle eastern people what the dance was they replied 'it is the dance of our country' - or 'it is beledi'- link that to the above shock of the new and you get 'Belly Dance'.


and there endeth the lesson - jeez I am such an anorak! - sorry!


I guess I just got the bug. I have always been quite a big girl and pretty clumsy and awkward - now, I dance and I am transformed and the confidence has carried back over to the rest of my life.


cheesy, huh?


I hope you find something that suits you, because when you do it will be great!



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Oh, do belly dancing! There's another course at Crookesmoor community centre starting in a few weeks: I think it's a beginners class again.


Will come back with an update when I know more. I'll be doing the class again probably as I didn't join until halfway through so could do with an extra few lessons :)

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