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Nurses Home- Northern General Hospital


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Hi Jan


Yes, I remember those breaks very well, Auxiliaries, Students and the qualified staff all went to seperate breaks.


The Auxiliary break always had the most interesting conversations though!

I do remember one Auxiliary on 3A who did a roaring trade in jewellery from the ward kitchen. i bought my wife a watch, a lovely little gold one which lasted for years. If I can i will pm you a picture of me and the missus to see if you recognise us




David D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nursing just doesn't seem to be as much fun now,



hope you dont mind me jumping into your thread - i never lived in the nurses home at ngh as i trained in london (and have some fantastic memories too - oh happy days!)

I just wanted to say how much i agree with your statement about it not being as much fun - i started my nursing career in 87, but the life and soul seems to have gone out of nursing compared to back then; yes we were serious when we had to be, and the senior nurse who would come onto the ward and expect a detailed report on every patient was feared yet respected, but nowhere is there any heart and humour any more and certainly no respect for each other. I was recently talking to an expat friend of mine who was saying the same ... and that how she disliked her job now because no one would have a laugh ...

I left my last d grade post (i want to nurse, not manage so stayed a d grade) 2 years ago because i was fed up of how the profession was heading; at my appraisal my senior sister said i had one fault - an admirable fault - and that was that i wanted to spend time talking to my patients...

i resigned soon after, and do the ocasional agency shift just to keep my registration. i hope one day to find a job that will re-ignite my passion in nursing, but im not holding my breath :(


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Hi Sue


I agree wholeheartedly with your post. Everyone is so intense now regarding their possible academic development. I heard from some new students that moves are afoot to make all band 6 posts degree only - help!


My most intense and pleasurable memories are from the times i spent as a junior staff nurse in recovery. Patients got excellent care, the nursing officer got a full report when she walked in - did it really matter that the patient she was stood next to was a member of staff wrapped up in a blanket with monitoring on! (How the girl didnt laugh and give the game away I will never know) She is a senior sister now by the way.


Thank you for your post, please feel free to contact and comment at any time.




David D

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I can understand your opinions about some areas within nursing now being very serious and that there is no humour any more. I used to work in an area like that but managed to 'escape' several years ago. The area I work in now is still at the NGH but it is totally different . I work with a great bunch of people and, although it is a very busy area and, sometimes quite intense, we still have a laugh ( at the appropriate times, of course) and patients often comment on how cheerful and welcoming the ward is. So, take heart, humour and job satisfaction do still exist within the profession !

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I can understand your opinions about some areas within nursing now being very serious and that there is no humour any more. I used to work in an area like that but managed to 'escape' several years ago. The area I work in now is still at the NGH but it is totally different . I work with a great bunch of people and, although it is a very busy area and, sometimes quite intense, we still have a laugh ( at the appropriate times, of course) and patients often comment on how cheerful and welcoming the ward is. So, take heart, humour and job satisfaction do still exist within the profession !


Where do you work p.m me if you prefer(I trained at NGH many years ago so would be interested to know if it's the same areas)

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