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Which were your favourite acts at the Mojo


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Which were your favourite acts at the Mojo ? I liked a lot of acts that I saw there e.g Georgie Fame,Geno Washington,Alan Bown Set,Graham Bond,Zoot Moneyand lots more!My favourite singer from that time though and his voice was just unbelievable was Billy [Fay Boy] Stewart ! What a waste of talent to have died so young ! Can anyone remember groups like Amboy Dukes ,Love and Confusion ? They say that if you lived through the Sixties ,you find it hard to remember them!I just know it was such an exciting era with something new happening every week!

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You lucky soul - I would have loved to have got to the

Mojo but I was too young.

I attended "Down Broadway" but was told it just did not compare.


I remember my parents considered the Mojo to be a den of sin !!!!


But I used to hang on to every word of the older brothers and sisters of my mates who went to the club as they described the sounds and the live artists they saw there.


I am a big Small Faces fan - did they ever perform at the Mojo ?

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I was introduced to blues music at the Mojo and remember seeing John Lee Hooker there - brilliant! I think Peter Stringfellow chose the name for the club from a JLH song "I got my mojo working"

I made one of those mojo dolls that used to hang at the back of the stage, it was free entry on opening night if you brought one. Can't recall seeing the Faces.

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Rod stewart was also there as part of Shotgun Express ,which included Long John Baldry ! I remember one particular show featuring The Graham Bond Organization where they all walked of that small stage and just left Ginger Baker.I can still remember the hairs standing on the back of my neck,whilst i was listening to his drumming on his own ,it seemed to go on forever before the rest sauntered back one at a time and picked up the tune .

Can anyone remember a soul group called the Vibrations that appeared there?They each weighed about 25 stone each but boy could they dance and sing!

Another good night was The Ike and Tina Turner All-nighter,thank goodness there was abomb scare at about one-o-clock and everybody could go outside and get some fresh air !It used to be great walking out at 7-o-clock inthe morning ,walk down to the bowling alley and just chill out there until you were fit to go home!!!

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Originally posted by bornandbred

I was introduced to blues music at the Mojo and remember seeing John Lee Hooker there - brilliant! I think Peter Stringfellow chose the name for the club from a JLH song "I got my mojo working"

I made one of those mojo dolls that used to hang at the back of the stage, it was free entry on opening night if you brought one. Can't recall seeing the Faces.


ahem.... not John Lee Hooker, but the great Muddy Waters, who also wrote the song. Just about everyone's covered it since Muddy first recorded it back in the 50s (except John Lee Hooker, funnily enough).

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I must have lived at the Mojo Club as I can remember all the acts everyone has mentioned (well almost). What about Chris Farlowe? The small faces did play there from memory but I can't remember if they were the Faces or Small Faces & of course we had the Who on many occasions also Spencer Davies remember them? (Keep on running).

What a club what an era. Like no other hey for those of us that were there. Well lets face it we are still talking about the Mojo Club & the Stringfellow bros: 40 years after it all happened.

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The Stringfellows didn't do badly from the mojo did they? What happened to them....lol. I think one went down to London to open some sort of similair club ( tongue firmly in cheek) but what happened to the other (David I think)? Perhaps he got a "proper" job.

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Originally posted by Janet Olsen

I must have lived at the Mojo Club as I can remember all the acts everyone has mentioned (well almost). What about Chris Farlowe? The small faces did play there from memory but I can't remember if they were the Faces or Small Faces & of course we had the Who on many occasions also Spencer Davies remember them? (Keep on running).

What a club what an era. Like no other hey for those of us that were there. Well lets face it we are still talking about the Mojo Club & the Stringfellow bros: 40 years after it all happened.


It was the Small Faces. The Faces didn't exist until 1970, by which time the Mojo club was long gone. In fact, the Small Faces played their first ever gig at the Mojo. See this site for more details: http://www.makingtime.co.uk/rfr/story3.htm


Funnily enough, I've just read Pete Stringfellow's autobiography "King Of Clubs". Once you get past his giant ego, it's a cracking read. I do think they should have employed a decent proof reader though. There are so many spelling errors in there. (eg Rivelin is spelt "Rivilin"). Unforgivable really, when you consider he's actually from Sheffield.

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