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Originally posted by maxt

So don't address any then. Good debating method.


Have I missed something, what top job is this? Given Cherie's earning power what further feathering do you mean?


Believe me, David is no crony of Blairs.


So, you think that Blunkett does a good job do you? If not then why is he still in that job and how did he get the job in the first place? How else would Blunkett keep that position with some of his peanut brained ideas?


I am talking about the top job of EU president. The one that Blair has been campaigning for. It's funny many people think that it will be the ideal job for him when he is no longer prime minister.


I don't suppose it's a coincidence that Cherie is a human rights barrister too. What further feathering do I mean? well, it's common knowledge that Blair has secured his future and that of his cronies with platinum inflated pensions. He and probably them are set for life. And it's OUR money....Happy? I'm not!

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Its irrelevant. Labour will be out at the next election and then we won't be duped into joining the euro. It is also clear to me that Tony Blair has an eye on the EU presidency. I want new labour out. They are a high tax party just like 'old' labour except they dress it up in the form of 'stealth' taxes. The question is, where is all this extra funding going? The public services aren't seeing any improvements. Bye bye Tony. Good luck with your president of the EU job.

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Lickszz, you've said you don't want EU citizens living in the UK the opportunity to vote in the referendum and I understand, but don't agree with, your reasons.


But what about UK citizens living abroad? Surely they would have more reason to vote in favour of us joining the Euro? They could enjoy the stability of a pan-european currency, no exchange fluctuations or charges and would only need one bank account.


Do you think they should be excluded because they may vote in favour?


You still haven't answered my question about any government looking at the 2 issues. Do you not think it's correct that they should be addressed?


t020, who's going to replace Labour at the next election?

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Originally posted by maxt

Lickszz, you've said you don't want EU citizens living in the UK the opportunity to vote in the referendum and I understand, but don't agree with, your reasons.


But what about UK citizens living abroad? Surely they would have more reason to vote in favour of us joining the Euro? They could enjoy the stability of a pan-european currency, no exchange fluctuations or charges and would only need one bank account.


Do you think they should be excluded because they may vote in favour?


You still haven't answered my question about any government looking at the 2 issues. Do you not think it's correct that they should be addressed?


t020, who's going to replace Labour at the next election?


Speaking of Questions Maxt. I don't believe you answered mine. did you?


I said, I believe that Labour could use it as an opportunity for more votes in favour. We have already seen what seems to be Labour manipulating the date and now it's appears the electorate as well. All previous referendums have been limited to British citizens on the electoral register. Most of these foreigners countries have already joined the Euro. Yes, they should be allowed to vote - in their own country. The reasons you mentioned why some Brits abroad would vote in favour are not of most importance in the equation IMO. The economic case against Euro membership is overwhelming and the British people remain implacably opposed. Perhaps it would be better to consider why some of these Brits came to be living abroad in the first place?


We are talking about the British people and probably the most important political and economic decision for 50 years. Who do you think should decide the fate of the £?

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Originally posted by t020

Its irrelevant. Labour will be out at the next election and then we won't be duped into joining the euro. It is also clear to me that Tony Blair has an eye on the EU presidency. I want new labour out. They are a high tax party just like 'old' labour except they dress it up in the form of 'stealth' taxes. The question is, where is all this extra funding going? The public services aren't seeing any improvements. Bye bye Tony. Good luck with your president of the EU job.


You make alot of sense. Although, I think it will be too late, by the time good ole Tone departs we will already well and truely have the Euro.

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Originally posted by maxt

Lickszz, you've said you don't want EU citizens living in the UK the opportunity to vote in the referendum and I understand, but don't agree with, your reasons.


But what about UK citizens living abroad? Surely they would have more reason to vote in favour of us joining the Euro? They could enjoy the stability of a pan-european currency, no exchange fluctuations or charges and would only need one bank account.


Do you think they should be excluded because they may vote in favour?


You still haven't answered my question about any government looking at the 2 issues. Do you not think it's correct that they should be addressed?


t020, who's going to replace Labour at the next election?


Conservatives. Scrap top up fees idea, tougher on crime and asylum seekers, referendum on euro, not a high tax party, etc. The only problem is that William Hague is no longer leader.

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At the end of the day the British public will be given the opportunity to vote on whether or not we change to the Euro. Gordon Brown has set out the 5 economic criteria that have to be met before the referendum. How is this manipulation? If the tories had their way we would not join the euro at all without a vote. Where is the democracy in that?


Lickzz, there is just as much likelihood of non UK citizens being against joining as there is of their being in favour, but the issue still needs to be addressed. You still haven't answered me about the non resident UK citizens. Should we exclude or include them?


All that is happening is that the issues are being addressed. How is that manipulation? Any government would commission study. There are more than 3 million UK citizens living abroad. Hardly unimportant compared with the few non UK citizens living here, I would say.


I agree that we disagree but I cannot comprehend how you see manipulation everywhere.


t020, don't make me laugh.

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I'm sorry my political stance amuses you maxt. You obviously enjoy the tax and spend socialist ideals of the Labour party. You must enjoy seeing on your payslip how much of your earnings have just vanished. Where to though? Labour have increased spending but I don't see results. All I see is a country in debt, both the government and people on an individual basis.

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Originally posted by t020

I'm sorry my political stance amuses you maxt. You obviously enjoy the tax and spend socialist ideals of the Labour party. You must enjoy seeing on your payslip how much of your earnings have just vanished. Where to though? Labour have increased spending but I don't see results. All I see is a country in debt, both the government and people on an individual basis.


Don't forget that under the last tory regime there were 44 tax rises in 2 years. And yes, I'd rather see tax rises going to pay for education, health, etc., rather than privatisation where the same rises are blamed on market forces and go into the pockets of shareholders.

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Originally posted by maxt

Don't forget that under the last tory regime there were 44 tax rises in 2 years. And yes, I'd rather see tax rises going to pay for education, health, etc., rather than privatisation where the same rises are blamed on market forces and go into the pockets of shareholders.


Sorry Maxt can't agree. We are suffering the worst taxes ever under this governnment. Some 60+ stealth taxes. The services you mention have not improved. I think that there has got to be something seriously wrong with the tories if they only have a 3 point lead in the polls when they should have a 30 point lead considering the total and endlessly demonstrated incompetence of New Labour.

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